Running the Razor - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Running the Razor

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Game Description

Life out on the Rim is hard. That doesn't mean impossible of course. Life finds a way. But it isn't pleasant. It isn't nice. And it isn't for the weak. But for those with nowhere else to go, the only other choice is death. So life finds a way. Your life. And here you are, struggling to stay one jump ahead of the Empire. Fighting to stay out of the way of the rumbling menace that calls itself the Rebel Alliance. Slipping under the watchful eyes of criminals that are a whole lot badder than you. Just to keep food in on the table and fuel in the ship.

The thing they don't tell you about trying to walk that razor's edge is just how often you slip off. And life... your life.... seems to be about trying to get back on that razor's edge.

This is a D6 West End Games Star Wars game. (2nd edition) and will primarily be a Tramp Freighter's campaign, mostly of sand box variety. (that is to say that there will be some overarching plots and themes, but this won't be nearly so plot driven as my previous games) Characters will take on the role of captain/crew of a Tramp Freighter trying to make their way in a desolate part of the Galaxy.

The year is 1 BBY. The first Death Star is nearly completed, and the Rebellion is in its infancy. Crime lords have de facto control of large swaths of the galaxy, and the Empire is too busy trying to counter insurgency to worry too much about the splinter groups of criminals.

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