What the Heck We Are Anime - Myth-Weavers Lethe

What the Heck We Are Anime

Game Masters

Game Information
  • Created Oct 5 '13
  • Last Post Nov 5 '13 at 3:34pm
  • Status Complete
  • System Tristat

Game Description

This is a game idea I have had for awhile, as a lover of various anime. Modern day characters experience a strange event that changes the entire world, but leaves them with great power. You will play as the amalgamation of your modern character's personality with the appearance and powers of their/your favorite anime (or video game if it is in an anime style) character. Thus, you get to show your love for specific characters (and not feel bad about copying them exactly) but at the same time you get to reinvent them by being your own person with goals/dreams/etc. You will have flexibility in what kind of powers they use, so long as its similar enough.

Ex.: Urameshi Yusuke's spirit gun could be other spirit-based powers, Squall Leonhart's limit breaks be gunblade-based, Sagara Sousoke should still have a mecha, Brave Fencer Musashi should still have dual-sword techniques, Amaterasu should have crazy "floating disc" powers, Kibagami Jūbei should still perform ninja moves and techniques, etc etc.
Based on which character you choose as your "avatar", I will work with each person to determine 1 appropriate drawback that represents a portion of their personality taking over yours.

The setting is modern day Earth where my intention is to have missions that occur across the globe. Players will have two personas, essentially.

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