Adventure in the Old World - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Adventure in the Old World

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Game Description

Schlaghugel, a village in Nordland. Five years ago, the whole village disappeared, the only clue as to what happened were the words “fog” and mercy” carved into the wood of every house, every building. Whatever that meant, Baron von Hargenfels, made little attempt to investigate further at that moment. Now, five years later, and after the forces of Chaos were driven back, in an attempt to reinforce the power in this region, Elector Count Theoderic Gausser took the decision to resettle the village.

Fifty families have been sent, ten more than last time, accompanied by twenty soldiers, divided between professionals and militiamen. Meeting on Hargendorf, the group set together. A couple of months have gone by and things seem to be going as expected for the villagers. The guard have had little trouble with brigands and wild animals learned their lessons quickly. Regrettably, things are still going much slower than expected and the Elector Count lost some support with this decision, and yet, risking losing more support, he has hired groups of adventurers to escort supply convoys to the village in hope of speeding the process. It is a quick run, two days to reach the village and two more days to return, travelling is mostly uneventful and the pay is good. What more can one ask.

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