Bloodlines and Bloodshed - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Bloodlines and Bloodshed

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Game Description

Bloodlines and Bloodshed

The year is 40 ABY. Tensions are rising in the Corellian Sector. The Galactic Alliance has overstepped the political power that it wields and the governments of the Five Worlds are taking a stand. Your home world of Corellia is strengthening its forces with all manner of local individuals who are willing to fight and defend their world.

Corellia's shipyards have been subject to sabotage by those who are loyal to the GA. It is also rumored that the GA Guard has been secretly supporting the the saboteurs. Locally, each shipyard has started their own militias that all work together in protecting Corellias assets. The Navy has even resorted to recruiting from these militias. You have decided that helping your home world benefits your way of life, and for better or worse you will help in any way you can until this conflict has ended

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Campaign Guide

Accepted Game Guides
  • Star Wars RPG Core
  • Galaxy at War
  • Galaxy of Intrigue
  • Starships of the Galaxy (the Tech Specialist Feat can be found on page 21, but the web enhancement is fine.)
  • Clone Wars
  • Scum and Villainy
  • Knights of the Old Republic
  • Legacy Era
  • Rebellion Era
Character Creation
  • Starting Level: 1st
  • Species from Corellian System (preferably Human)
  • Starting Classes: Soldier, Scout, Scoundrel, Noble
  • Force Sensitivity and Force Training Feats may be taken at any time during your characters creation and level progression if you meet the requirements.
  • Gear and Credits: At starting level, take your credit rolls +1,000 credits. Credits will be allocated by your commanding officer after your basic training. Gear will be provided, but any gear that you want to purchase from the accepted game guides should be noted on your application posts.
  • Show all taken feats, talents, skills, and points that were allocated and to which abilities.
Force Users
Any character taking the Force Sensitivity and Force Training feats are prohibited from taking Jedi and Sith specific powers, talents, techniques, or any other benefits associated with those Force Traditions. All and any other Force Traditions will be accepted. Light and Dark side powers, talents, techniques, or any other benefits are also acceptable. UPDATE 1.1: The Lightsaber Talent tree is open for use by those characters that choose to take the Weapon Proficiency: Lightsabers feat.
Gaining Levels
I have written the game to be played out in chapters. Essentially, each chapter will take each character through their current level and at the conclusion of each chapter, there will be a "resting" period for the players to make any adjustments to their characters (taking new feats, talents, etc.). This will make it easier on everyone as we all do not have to keep track of XP. The ranking system will be tracked on your character pages by myself, so please do not adjust these. I will be keeping track of it behind the screen, but lets not get to complicated with things being changed around without my knowledge.
All gear and items will be requisitioned at the start of each mission. Any gear found by the characters throughout the campaign may be used in place of the provided gear, and the characters are not required to take and use each set of items.
Character Pages
Once your application has been approved, you may copy and paste your characters progression and stat-block and start you own character page in the appropriate thread group. This is for keeping track of your characters progression and rank withing the organization. So please do not start any discussions in that post.
The game will be using the Legacy destiny format. As such, you will need to create your own family name, group, organization, etc. The description on creating this legacy is outlined in the Legacy Era guide in chapter II page 23. One thing to remember when creating your own legacy is that the GM must approve your destiny point use. I suggest that you make it as appropriate for your character class or skill set as possible.

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Application Thread

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Game Update Thread

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