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Escape from the Zoo.
Escape from the Zoo. 4-6 players.
You are escaping from a zoo.
After being inadvisably awakened and released from your cages by eco-terrorist, you have formed an ad hoc tribe of bears and apes and are attempting to avoid destruction or recapture.
Posting frequency: Twice a day for 2 weeks, then once a day there after. I have a 2-week school holiday starting Friday. It is ok to wait for the GM. I’m in Burma.
Adventure flow (expected):
Chapter 1.
1. Killing and eating eco-terrorists.
2. Tribe “election”/dominance competition.
3. Fleeing
Chapter 2.
1. Hiding
2. Level up/acquiring class levels by divine/magical intervention (or not)
3. Deciding where to flee
4. Fleeing
Chapter 3.
"Adventure in the great big world." Dungeon crawl or shipwreck exploration while searching for a place to settle.
Races: Any primate, bear, or bear-like or primate-like creature.
Includes: Bears, Apes, Monkeys, Lemurs, Panda, Red Panda (The taxonomists are confused and China gave the zoo a package deal), Racoon (“dwarf bear” housed in the monkey exhibit), Coati (was in the cage next to the raccoon), Wolverine (Do you want to argue with him that he isn’t a bear?), Tasmanian devil (I ain’t arguing with it), Koala, Dire sloth, owl bear, penguin (If they somehow keep up, we can eat them later.), Girallon, Gorilla Bear, Tigrilla. Cave and Dire varieties thereof. Nothing gargantuan or colossal.
Excludes: PC races and ape/bear like demons or devils, were-critters.
System: Dnd 3.0, 3.5, pf1, 5e. It’s a blues rift in B, watch me for the changes, and…try to keep up. I can handwave the differences in d20 systems for a Zoo Escape game with animals.
Build and submission rules:
1: Take the page from the monster manual/srd. (or Tome of Horrors and Creature Collection)
2: Roll 2d6+6 for INT, WIS, CHA. If the roll is less than what the creature usually has, add 1 to the original score. Adjust modifiers for skills using INT, WIS, CHA. Add Language: Congolese. (Those Eco terrorists shouldn’t have gotten that Staff of Awakening from a witch doctor who didn’t speak Common. You understand each other and a few words of common like “down” and “banana”.)
3: Write some kind of name.
Either screen shot the monster manual page and write over it, or transcribe to a sheet. Share the sheet or send a picture to the GM. That's it. Send a "sheet" and request to play.
Really, character creation should take 20 minutes once you find the page with the monster entry. YOU ARE PLAYING THE MONSTER MANUAL PAGE WITH ADJUSTED "MENTAL" ATTRIBUTES. You might pick up a class level later, or not. Leveling/xp by gm fiat "when it seems appropriate". Don't over think this. Throw poop, roar and eat bananas.
Setting: Like Shrek but more human centric. Like the police are Knights.
Tone: Comedic or horror or Planet of the Apes meets Madagascar, depending on player behavior.
Alignment: Probably Neutral Annoyed. You are probably tired of kids yelling "Daddy! Make it do something!" and getting pelted with peanuts.
Game balance? Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. No complaining if your pygmy marmoset has 3 hp and his dire megatherium has 160. Choose what you want to play and have fun.
Posting frequency: Twice a day for 2 weeks, then once a day thereafter. I have a 2 week school holiday starting Friday.
Preemptive FAQs
Starting equipment and gold? You can steal a t-shit and a hat from the gift shop. Sack of popcorn or peanuts if you want… you can have a unicycle... You are a monkey or a bear.
Can I use Spheres or substitute… NO!
Can I use this pc race of panda people? No.
Can I use this template? Only if the creature is the example for the template.
Can I use a yeti or a wampa? OK.
Can I use a wookie? Don’t push it.
Can I use a homebrew? Only if it is a PlatypusBear or a wuzzle.
Hey, I always wanted to use this Pallidum/Runequest monkey monster… Eh? Give me a sheet.
Game launches Friday or Saturday. 11-12 OCT.
- D20 System
- closes October 11
"Jane Doe" scenario. Amnesic Girl Seeks Monstrous Identity
I'm running this scenario for a player and would like to re-use it.
It starts in a rural location but is intended to become a more urban mystery/spy situation.
Character starts off without memory or equipment with only a few clues as to her identity. She will be gifted basic equipment (It is dangerous to go alone. Take this....backpack.)and pointed towards the road to the cities. She must gather resources and uncover her identity and hidden monstrous side, and hope it doesn't conflict with what and whom she wants to be.
System: d20. Player may build a "starting" character using 3.5, PF1, or 5e (though if someone presents me a completed character that is from a similar system that is ready to go, and willing to gleefully tolerate system mashing, 4e, 13th age, HARP, GURPS, Palladium, ect may be accepted.)
Sex: Female (I'm basing this on The Long Kiss Goodnight and other spy amnesia scenarios and Moonknight.)
Race: Elf, half-elf, halfling, Tallfellow halfling, hobbit.
Class and level: Bard, Rogue, Bard-Rogue multi class, or Bard-Rogue Gestalt. No Archtypes. Elf, half elf or halving substitutions only. Level 2. 28 point build using whatever point system and online point calculator you like.
NO ORATORY or INT BARDS. Bardic music requires music. You may put ranks into perform: oratory or poetry, but don't try to use it instead of music for bard abilities. Be prepared to rock out or jam.
Players may choose to level up in different classes later, subject to gm approval, however, class levels will not be the most important source of character advancement or power. Other systems will be revealed though play. Don't build with expectation to join a prestige class later, or otherwise have a 20 level build progression planned out. Really, making a character should take 2 hours at most. Pre-gens are fine.
Alignment: Lawful good, Neutral good, Chaotic Good. If lawful, probably thinks is living in a non-lawful cover identity.
Setting: Generic medieval/early renaissance fantasy with possible "lost civilization tech" artifacts around. No guns or explosives. Mostly Western, but some Eastern elements in the larger cities. Other details revealed during game-play. This is not an established settings, but some Grayhawk and FR content will be cribbed.
Tone: Rated R for violence. PG13 for adult situations. Keep profanity fantastic. DWARF PISS! Tone may vary from plain silly to deathly serious, but won't often be "grim dark" or include "do you cut off her hand?" or Sofie's choice type situations. Intended tone is Spy Adventure Romp.
Banned: any feats/traits/whatevers shifting skills to other abilities or combining/replacing/substituting skills. Bo9S or similar. Background skills. Complaints about feat/skill taxes.
Posting frequency and schedule: About once a day, as we have time. There will be announced breaks for school events, grading, report cards, holiday travel, ect. Posting frequency will be higher when we are both online. I'm in Burma and there are often power and internet disruptions.
House and build rules/advice:
Don't put skill points into knowledge: local, nobility, history, geography, current everts. You have amnesia. You might buy them when you level up, provided you have found a source of such information.
Skills points may be put into arcana, dungeoneering, religion, folklore, planes. However access will be limited as to what the character actually recalls. This will be handled similarly to a bardic knowledge check. What do I know about Nantucket? um...there's a guy with a bucket, and as for the is an island with a whaling feat and one of their captains had a fight with white whale.
Social skills will be important.
Constructs and tech and crafting will not play a major role.
Don't buy mounted combat feats. Don't buy anything involving contacts. Don't buy anything involving extra resources.
1 extra racial feat. 2 traits (non-regional), no drawbacks.
If there is a elf, half-elf, or halfing racial ability from another system or game that you like you may pitch it to me. You may take a minor fey, plant, or celestial bloodline.
You start with no equipment, but let me know what instrument you need.
Be comfortable not having full creative control over the character design. Once you figure out what is going on though actions in-game you will have more control over the 'monster' side of the character.
Be comfortable with not always knowing what is going on. It is an amnesia mystery adventure.
Be comfortable/accepting of unfair fights, apparent no-win situations, and occasional scripted losses for plot and character development purposes. If David B. Banner never has a stressful day, the Hulk will never come out to play.
Use Rope is a non-combat skill. Put your Concentration modifier in the skills section or otherwise pencil it in somewhere, even if it isn't a "skill" in the system you are using.
Damage reduction, crit, and precision damage rules vary by creature and tend to be 3.5 flavor. Don't expect the opponents to be using exactly the same skills/magic system you are. Opponent spell casters may be simplified for ease of play.
Options: 2 hero points if you want them, but no hero point feats. If you like having a luck system, generate the stat by rolling 3 d6.
How to apply: Message with a link to a 95-100% completed character sheet and a short in-character reaction to the starting scene.
Starting Scene:
The stars at night,
are big and bright,
deep in the heart
The stars are bright. It is a cloud-less half-moon night.
Clear skies.
But then where is the lightning coming from?
You aren't sure how long your eyes have been focused on the stars, or how long you have been absent mindedly singing the song...what's the next word? ...You don't recall.
Leaning up to a seated position... you wish you hadn't. Your everything hurts, but your brain is just registering it. Like after a long day of harvest or militia training.
It is a warm night, you are only a bit chilled by the breeze on your back and legs...from the night dew...on the grass...
A flash of lightening reveals that the grass you are sitting on has scorched patches and there are shattered and burnt bits of equipment and garments randomly strewn about....and you aren't wearing anything...
Looking at the flashes, they only come every half minute or so, they are dancing between the 4 tall stones. About 30 ft tall, evenly spaced around the clearing...clear hill corners of a square. Obelisks. The markings on them are softly glowing...circular sigils and angular runes.
One of your eyes doesn't seem to be working right. Maybe it is injured? Winking alternately, one doesn't show the world as brightly as the other.
You see the land in the distance below the hill. Mixed fields and woods. Farm lands. They are some scattered buildings, like barns and small huts.
There seems to be a path down before you. Behind you, the hillside outside the stones is overgrown with brush.
The pain fades and some of the confusion clears, but only enough for new confusion to become clear.
Where are you? How did you get here?
You don't remember. You don't remember anything.
You try to think.
What is your name?
- D20 System
- closes October 12
Solo Monster Game
I'm currently running 1 solo game, and I'd like to run another similar game.
Game will have no fixed schedule. Each of us will post as we have time during the day with the frequency varying. Game may pause for critical weeks in the school calendar (testing, grading, visa/holiday travel, ect). I am currently teaching primary school in Myanmar (rolling blackouts, internet disruptions, active military coup/civil war, time zone 1/2 hour off being opposite of USA EST.) and sometimes tutor.
Game system is D20/Dnd of mostly 3.5/PF1e flavor with some bits of of other systems mixed in. The Player may choose to have the starting character based on 3.5, PF1, or 5e (I might be talked into something else.).
Game system will be Generic Medieval Fantasy with possible occasional "lost ancient tech" and/or crashed spaceships.
My current game is a mix of Pokemon, Zelda, Final Fantasy, and Pathfinder as a young druid discovers why he should have killed that turtle he found like his elders told him to when he had the chance... instead of wondering around with it "training" it as it evolves into a killing machine. He has assembled a party from chance encounters with things/people the turtle didn't eat (yet).
If anyone wants to play a genetically unstable cursed monster... or the kid who finds it... Here is your chance.
Possible starting scenarios:
You just hatched. How many feet do you have? (Player creates starting character though interactive questioning.
Hey, somebody is summoning Bedzzelbum. Maybe I can catch a ride... (low level devil/demon tries to make his way in the Prime Material Plane)
"Lift to open latch." I can read that now. Wonder what was in that last injection? Well, time to take over the world.... What am I, anyway?
Who am I, and why am I in this glass tube/coffin/chained to this table/naked in this field/forest? Player character has amnesia and needs to learn to be a ...whatever...
I'm also open to suggestions.
- D20 System
- closes October 12