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D&D 5e

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Adventurers' League
  1. What's new in this game
  2. Sanguinus Aurelius Cicero Human Cleric of Tyr AC: 18 (Chainmail, Shield) | HP: 4/10 (3 THP) | HD: 0/1 | Speed: 20/30 ft. | Initiative: +0 Senses: Passive Perception 15, Insight 15, Investigation 12. StrSave: 0 Athletics: 0 Carrying Capacity: 150 lb. Lift/Push/Drag: 300 lb.: 10 (+0) | DexInitiative: +0 Save: +0 Acrobatics: +0 Slight-of-Hand: +0 Stealth: +0: 10 (+0) | ConSave: +2: 14 (+2) | IntSave: +0 Arcana: 0 History: +2 Investigation: +2 Nature: 0 Religion: +2: 10 (+0) | WisSave: +5 Animal Handling: +5 Insight: +5 Medicine: +3 Perception: +5 Survival: +3: 16 (+3) | ChaSave: +4 Deception: +2 Intimidation: +4 Performance: +2 Persuasion: +4: 14 (+2) Languages: Common, Tharian, Chondathan Spell Slots: L1 0/2 | L2 0/0 Concentrating: - | Conditions: Inspiration 'Clearly shield walls are not familiar amongst the Uthgardt,' thought Sanguinus as Fuma stepped back to prepare mighty javelin throw. Thankfully their own silvered warrior stepped forward to fill the gap. Sanguinus offered a grim nod in return. "Can't say any of this is joyful, but whatever gets you through," he offered gruffly. As a watchman he'd rather everyone was safe at home with no violence in the streets. Unfortunately there were more than a few who relished the power of their position and abused it, and more than one of them had floated like turds to the top of the cesspit in Hillsfar's 'revolution'. Another grotesque attack flew overhead from Gemma striking a telling blow against the mouthy goblin and he tried to not let it distract him. Almost there. He'd lost track of who was shooting what. "If anyone needs a weapon, I've a standard issue crossbow in my pack," he offered. He watched Audren's flashing blades - so steady against their last foe - wobble in the air. Perhaps now the Lumsden's were safe it was all catching up with her. "You can do it," he thought at her, hoping their mental connection still holds, "I have faith in you. I'll hold the line." Visor down, face blank. Hold the line against all blows. OOC Action: Dodge Bonus Action: - Movement: - Reaction: - Object Interaction: - Actions & Resources
  3. Krone Skalmǫld | ᛋᚴᛅᛚᛘᛅᛚᛏ ᛋᚴᛅᛚᛘᛅᛚᛏ - Sorcerer I "Ár skal rísa, sá er annars vill fé eða fjör hafa" AC (17) Initiative (+4) Speed (30 ft.) HP (9/9) PP (12) Special (0/0) Status: Inspired. Saves & Abilities Krone sighed in brief respite. “Ah, the beauty of the frontlines,” she murmured. “The tang of blood and battle, such joy!” Glancing at Sanguinus, her voice softened as she confessed, “It draws ever nearer, though I dread to glimpse what the future may reveal...” She then straightened, a determined gleam sparking in her eyes. “But fear be damned. Whatever comes, we shall meet it with steel in hand —if life falters, honor shall prevail!”² 1. Taking Fuma's spot, dodge action. 2. Bless their kokoro.
  4. Halfling Sorcerex Divine 1 | Gemma Talok AC: 13 (I'm just nimble) | HP: 8/8 | HD: 1/1 | Speed: 25ft | Initiative: +3 Passive Perception: 9, Insight: 9, Investigation: 10 Languages: Common, Halfling, Dwarven Spell Slots (remaining/total): L1: 0/2 Growing exhausted but still knowing that her newfound allies need her, Gemma keeps trying tow hip her hands across the battlefield at the Hobgoblin. OOC I don't have a lot of energy for description at the moment. But I chill touch the hobbo again! Chill Touch
  5. If you disengage you cannot attack AFAIK. However, if you plan to risk it, you can do it.
  6. Switch place with Krone to attack? I can do that. Since he is dodging this round I could easily Disengage, right? No AoO with that action, right?
  7. @rauhric Is it possible for Fuma to switch places with Krone? I think he's got the higher MOD to attack. So if he takes disengage, she can dodge or attack next round.
  8. Audren Erser Neutral Human Rogue/Soulknife 3 AC: 16 (w/Mage Armor) | HP: 24/24 +3T | Initiative: +8 | Passive Perception: 13 | Passive Insight: 13 Psionic Energy: 4/4 | Psionic Power Recovery: 1/1 (sr) | Psychic Whispers: 0/1 Conditions: Alert | Psychic Whispers with Mareen and Sanguinus for 1 hour | Heroic Inspiration: 0 Anxiety grips Audren. Her hands, even her body no longer listens to her as she begins to tremble. Mechanics/OOC Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Empty Saving Throws: STR -1 DEX +5 CON +2 INT +3 WIS +1 CHA +1 Action: Psychic Blade Bonus Action: Steady Aim Move: Manipulate: /em burns the cursed dice.
  9. FUMA Character Sheet | Adventure Log CN Uthgardt Black Lion Human, Barbarian [1] HP 16-9 | AC 18 | Init +2 | Perception 13 | Investigation 11 Fuma is holding the line now but choses to disengage from the front to move into Krone's position and allows Krone to take his position. From his new position he prepares to attack the next chance he gets with his javelins. OoC
  10. ⚔ Round IV ⚔ With Fuma recovered, it's time to move things around. Fuma, Mareen, Krone, and Gemma all move at once, as Audren lashes out and misses once again and Sanguinus haphazardly defends his location, not getting in an opportunity to do much damage to the foe before him. Fuma moves out of Krone's way as the white-haired woman lashes out at the armor before Sanguinus, Fuma doing the same: both send shards of scrap metal flying in all direction, the armor looking quite roughly made now. Sadly Gemma's chilling touch finds no register this time, nor does Mareen's cutting wordsGoblin Boss 2 Save 13 vs. Mareen VM Save DC 13, fail. The goblin only grins, then picks her to throw something at. "You die first!" Picking up another makeshift dagger, he tosses it at Mareen, and unfortunately, it hitsGoblin Boss Ranged Dagger Attack 16 vs. Mareen AC 16, hit for 3 piercing damage, catching her in the shoulder. The animated armors begin their assault against Sanguinus and a renewed Fuma accordingly. The one falling apart almost hits Sanguinus square in the face but falls shortAnimated Armor 3 Attacks with disadvantage 7/6 and 7/19 vs. Sanguinus AC 18, miss short, as does the one directly in front of FumaAnimated Armor 4 Attack with Disadvantage 11/17 and 13/12 vs. Fuma AC 18, miss. The others remain inert, unmoving in their frustration. The battle rages on. Out of Character Initiative: Party15 Future Initiative Pool: 13, 13.333 Enemies13 Enemies Goblin Boss 2-AC 17, 9/21 HP Animated Armor 1-AC 18, 32/33 HP, Conditions and AbilitiesDamage Immunities Poison, Psychic Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned Animated Armor 2-AC 18, 33/33 HP, Conditions and AbilitiesDamage Immunities Poison, Psychic Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned Animated Armor 3-AC 18, 10/33 HP, Conditions and AbilitiesDamage Immunities Poison, Psychic Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned Animated Armor 4-AC 18, 33/33 HP, Conditions and AbilitiesDamage Immunities Poison, Psychic Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned Begin Round 5! No OA this round! But progress with one of the bad guys.
  11. Halfling Sorcerex Divine 1 | Gemma Talok AC: 13 (I'm just nimble) | HP: 8/8 | HD: 1/1 | Speed: 25ft | Initiative: +3 Passive Perception: 9, Insight: 9, Investigation: 10 Languages: Common, Halfling, Dwarven Spell Slots (remaining/total): L1: 0/2 Seeing her spot still-- for the moment-- open, Gemma dodges back in, shoots off another whip of their hand at the hobgoblin-- as well as one single goblin insult that they learned from a friend back in childhood. "Dunghead" if they remember, right. And then they rush back out of the fray as quick as they can. OOC Move: one square north and two squares east, 10ft of movement if done right. Action: chill touch against Hobbo Move: One square south and two squares west, 10ft of movement if done right. Chill touch
  12. OK. Then lets call it the Opportunity Attack, follows up with Dodge action.
  13. @rauhricis that your opportunity attack or your action? If the former, Sanguinus was suggesting dodging alongside him. If the latter, you got an opportunity attack as well (when AA3 rolled a nat1)
  14. FUMA Character Sheet | Adventure Log CN Uthgardt Black Lion Human, Barbarian [1] HP 16-9 | AC 18 | Init +2 | Perception 13 | Investigation 11 Fuma takes advantage of the opening the enemy left him and strikes (AoO) at it and then continues to hold the line (Dodge) with Sanguinus as his companions try to defeat the enemy goblin. OoC
  15. Appearance Statblock Mareen Ulicci, Chaotic Good Female Human Swords Bard, Harper Scout 'I hear you,' Mareen send her thoughts back to Audren, hoping that her ability to communicate worked like a message spell. 'Let's just get rid of the goblin and then attempt a tactical repositioning.' She didn't say that out loud because she didn't want to tip off the goblin. The Red Dancer tried to hide her concern under a mask of grim determination, but didn't entirely succeed in doing so. Mareen was unfortunately unable to take out the goblin from a distance, she could merely disrupt him with a psychic attack. She glared at the goblin and invoked the power of her dance: "Behold the futility of your existence, goblin, as your death draws near. Your toys struggle in vain as we come for you." Mareen was well aware how hollow the threat was, but her words echoed only biting disgust for the pathetic creature and smashed as a wave of psychic energy towards the goblin. OOC Move: 5ft. east Action: Vicious Mockery on the goblin, see below for damage roll, Wisdom Save DC 13 to avoid
  16. Krone Skalmǫld | ᛋᚴᛅᛚᛘᛅᛚᛏ ᛋᚴᛅᛚᛘᛅᛚᛏ - Sorcerer I "Ár skal rísa, sá er annars vill fé eða fjör hafa" AC (17) Initiative (+4) Speed (30 ft.) HP (9/9) PP (12) Special (0/0) Status: Normal Saves & Abilities The armors, though devoid of life, marched with grim intent, their footfalls a heavy beat upon the earth, as if the ground itself recoiled from their tread. Yet the warriors, though weary, did not falter; they held their ground with unshaken resolve, turning aside every strike as though each blow were but a whisper in the wind. Krone moved like a shadow slipping between the cracks of the Underdark, her form wreathed by the smoldering embers. The heat of the forge pressed against her skin, thick as the breath of a beast; yet it was not this that weighed upon her. She drew ever closer to the unseen threshold, where the air hung still and the long-forgotten dead cast their gaze upon her. A vision arose before her, unfolding like the pages of a forgotten tale: a battlefield, scarred and broken, where silence reigned and the guardians of ages past stood as watchful as stone. Her breath came ragged, as though drawn from the depths of some stifling furnace, but her thoughts were keen, sharper than any blade. With eyes ablaze and voice like thunder, she called into the heart of the fray, "ÁR SKAL RÍSA, SÁ ER ANNARS VILL FÉ EÐA FJÖR HAFA!Early shall rise, he who wants another's wealth or life!" 1. Taking opportunity attack. 2. Heeding her comrades advise, Krone took point behind Sanguinus, disengaging.
  17. Sanguinus Aurelius Cicero Human Cleric of Tyr AC: 18 (Chainmail, Shield) | HP: 4/10 (3 THP) | HD: 0/1 | Speed: 20/30 ft. | Initiative: +0 Senses: Passive Perception 15, Insight 15, Investigation 12. StrSave: 0 Athletics: 0 Carrying Capacity: 150 lb. Lift/Push/Drag: 300 lb.: 10 (+0) | DexInitiative: +0 Save: +0 Acrobatics: +0 Slight-of-Hand: +0 Stealth: +0: 10 (+0) | ConSave: +2: 14 (+2) | IntSave: +0 Arcana: 0 History: +2 Investigation: +2 Nature: 0 Religion: +2: 10 (+0) | WisSave: +5 Animal Handling: +5 Insight: +5 Medicine: +3 Perception: +5 Survival: +3: 16 (+3) | ChaSave: +4 Deception: +2 Intimidation: +4 Performance: +2 Persuasion: +4: 14 (+2) Languages: Common, Tharian, Chondathan Spell Slots: L1 0/2 | L2 0/0 Concentrating: - | Conditions: Inspiration Somehow they still held on - against all the odds Krone managed to weave between each armoured fist, silver amidst silver. For Sanguinus' part he pulled deep on his training, familiar holding his own against thrown objects and beating fits, even if they weren't usually daggers from goblins and empty shells. Blank face, blank mind. Just hold the line. At least Fuma was up again, the musclebound barbarian gathering his bearings again. When the armour slipped up Sanguinus mechanically beat down again with his truncheon, though this time failed to do any damage. Really it was a wonder he had the first time. Perhaps he should look into that - Tyr was a warrior god after all. He forced his focus back to the moment. Matching eyes with Fuma he asked "You lot up north know how to form a shield wall?" He hefted his own meaningfully, offering an arm to link. Turning back forward he shouted to the manic warrior woman "Krone! No-one doubts your valour, you've proven it twice over! So for Helm's sake get back!" He pointed his head at Fuma, "The big guy can hold his own now Mareen's patched him up, maybe you can roast some of them with that green fire over our heads instead!" OOC Action: Dodge Bonus Action: - Movement: - Reaction: Opportunity Attack vs AA3 Object Interaction: - Actions & Resources
  18. Audren Erser Neutral Human Rogue/Soulknife 3 AC: 16 (w/Mage Armor) | HP: 24/24 +3T | Initiative: +8 | Passive Perception: 13 | Passive Insight: 13 Psionic Energy: 4/4 | Psionic Power Recovery: 1/1 (sr) | Psychic Whispers: 0/1 Conditions: Alert | Psychic Whispers with Mareen and Sanguinus for 1 hour | Heroic Inspiration: 0 The goblin remained elusive, fueling Audren's escalating anxiety. Tremors ran through her hands and coursed through her body. Despite her desperate attempts to steady her aim at the goblin, her hands defied her mind's commands. I... I... don't know how much longer I can do this. I... I'm not as strong as Krone. Her thoughts came to Mareen and Sanguinus as barely a whisper, laden with the fear of letting everyone down. Mechanics/OOC Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Empty Saving Throws: STR -1 DEX +5 CON +2 INT +3 WIS +1 CHA +1 Action: Psychic Blade goblin boss 2, Sneak Attack Bonus Action: Steady Aim Move: Manipulate:
  19. ⚔ Round III ⚔ It finally clicks for Mareen, while she puts a healing touch upon Fuma: these animated armors are immune to quite a few things an organic being is: it cannot be charmed, cannot be poisoned, cannot be deafened or blinded, cannot become exhausted in its murderous efforts, cannot be paralyzed or petrified, and cannot be affected by psychic energies. Fuma rises and takes the rapier up, as Audren's psychic blade misses the goblin but Gemma's chilling touch leaves a black caustic mark all over the smith's arm; he hisses and squeals in pain. Sanguinus and Krone both land hits on the same animated armor in front of Sanguinus, sending shards of chain and plate flying across the smithy. Then comes the counterattack. The damaged armor swings twice and misses, the damage throwing it off balance againAA3 Multiattack 7/6 and Nat 1/17 with disadvantage vs. Sanguinus AC 18, Fuma, Sanguinus, and Krone allowed an Opportunity Attack. Krone then faces a constant onslaught, with the one before her missingAA4 Multiattack 23/13 and 17/14 with disadvantage vs. Krone AC 17, miss, the one beside it almost falling on its proverbial faceAA2 Multiattack 19/9 and Nat 1/16 with disadvantage vs. Krone AC 17, miss and Krone can take an Opportunity Attack, and the one to her left doing much the same as the one before herAA1 Multiattack 10/12 and 12/14 with disadvantage vs. Krone AC 17, miss. The goblin, going through the armory more, finds a dagger and chunks it at Sanguinus for good measure, but fares no betterGoblin Boss 2 7/13 with Disadvantage vs. Sanguinus AC 18, miss. Bobbing and weaving never looked so easy, but was never so effective as it is here. Out of Character Initiative: Party15 Future Initiative Pool: 13, 13.333 Enemies13 Enemies Goblin Boss 2-AC 17, 9/21 HP Animated Armor 1-AC 18, 32/33 HP, Conditions and AbilitiesDamage Immunities Poison, Psychic Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned Animated Armor 2-AC 18, 33/33 HP, Conditions and AbilitiesDamage Immunities Poison, Psychic Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned Animated Armor 3-AC 18, 22/33 HP, Conditions and AbilitiesDamage Immunities Poison, Psychic Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned Animated Armor 4-AC 18, 33/33 HP, Conditions and AbilitiesDamage Immunities Poison, Psychic Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned Begin Round 4! Two opportunities for Opportunity Attacks, but a reminder: you only get one per turn. If you get two potential choices, you must pick one.
  20. Yeah, I don't think we can head back and undo actions, but all valid for next round. The goblin I think is closer to death and the only intelligent enemy however from a focus point of view.
  21. He might as well Dodge considering her didn't hit, but would be kind of cheap to change my action just because I missed. I will dodge next round. Let's hope I don't get hit too bad.
  22. The plan is clear to me, yes. But convincing Krone? That’s another matter! She’s entrusted her soul to the gods of death and fate, standing firm as a living shield. So far, nothing’s touched her. There’s an honorable man, bloodied and fresh from the brink of death, but would she truly let him take her place? Step back, then hurl fire pebbles? Would that even make sense to her? Where you see a girl surrounded by monsters, she sees only one creature capable of reaching her allies. If anything, I think everybody should be attacking the same target. Now, if everybody wants to make adjustments from the meta, I could as well. I can have Krone change her recent actions to a retreat; then you @rauhric can have Fuma take dodge instead of assaulting, while @mildly_competent haves Gemma directing her attack to the automaton instead of the goblin. How about it?
  23. Allies are no longer difficult terrain in the 2024 rules. We can step on each other's toes as much as we please now :)
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