About This Game
Game System
Detailed Description
I have had my eye on Castles and Crusades for quite a while. I have not seen too many Ads for any games, and I have the itch to play, so I decided to start up a game. This game is meant to be a learning opportunity for me, as well as the players. This does not mean that veteran players are not welcome, but if you are experienced with C&C, be aware I am new to the system, and mistakes might be made.
If you are new to gaming, or just new to C&C, here's a chance to try it out.
I am not intending this to be a long campaign. All I have planned is a prologue, a short "dungeon" (3-5 rooms), and an epilogue. That's it. If everyone enjoys themselves, I am open to continuing on. But that is a bridge we will cross when we come to it.
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