Wow, I've really let my gravity-disruption discipline slip. Anyone seeing a room like this on Chronar would laugh, and rightly so...
Ian walks over to the desk and quickly but carefully puts everything on it into the drawers. He then considers closing the wardrobe door... but decides flying clothing is the least of his worries right now.
The next thing he does is walk to the workbench and make sure the half-finished device and any metal tools are secured to the surface via the magnets in the workbench. (If anything on there isn't magnetic, he puts it in the drawer under the workbench.) Then he crosses to the kitchenette and puts every loose item in the cupboards, then closes the magnetically sealed doors. (Ian feels a bit weird putting the bowl of fruit in a cupboard, but a bowl of fruit becomes several missiles in any remotely serious collision.)
Finally, he walks over to the magnetic straps, picks them up, walks to the shelf, and ties down everything on the shelf, especially the potted plants.
With all of that accomplished, Ian looks out the window and tries to judge how the landing is going... and how soon he'll be able to safely bring the fruit and the mugs out of the cupboard for a snack. What does he see?