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A Baronet's Daughter and a Sunless Citadel OOC

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Sorry for not posting last night, I passed out way before I normally do. Will try to get an IC post addressing all three groups as soon as possible.

Edit: I'm good with the languages as long as we get a translation somewhere in the post. I rather like it actually. Also, with private text seemingly being broken I will just post regularly without hiding it from other groups. Will leave it to you all if you want to do IC catch up posts once the party regroups or just assume it happens off camera as it were.

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Sadly Kal can't translate from Gith (its a shame dragons don't get Speak Language as a class skill), but he'll be happy to translate from Sylvan to let you know the tavern meet up plan. He's assuming Brooth understood the bard to know where to meet up, afterwards.

I'm fine for assuming catch up or playing it out, I imagine we'd want at least to make a game plan after we get all our info. Unless we default to the classic walk along the road to the keep of evil.

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6 hours ago, darlis moonbeam said:

Of course if you only speak Sylvan then Kethar is just going to give you confused looks and be like what the hell are you saying. lol Though he may just respond in Gith and smile.

Oh, see, the thing is: Céibhfhionn can speak Common (and Elven) just fine. Mechanically this is because a lot of bard things are language-dependant. More things understand Common than they do Sylvan. The RP reasons are that she wants to be able to sing songs in their original language. orc%5E%5E.gif

I foresee many of my extra skill points going into languages.

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LOL yea the whole point of saying Kethar would probably respond in Gith and smile is that it would be unlikely he could be translated, as its not likely many speak Gith. Though I guess through roleplaying he could be persuaded to teach you.

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7 hours ago, DragonFriend said:

I mean, I've already posted the map in the opening post of the IC thread lol

True, I'm just making sure IC we have the directions. Wasn't certain if those maps were apart of the notice. xD

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8 hours ago, Amoren said:

Sadly Kal can't translate from Gith (its a shame dragons don't get Speak Language as a class skill), but he'll be happy to translate from Sylvan to let you know the tavern meet up plan. He's assuming Brooth understood the bard to know where to meet up, afterwards.

I'm fine for assuming catch up or playing it out, I imagine we'd want at least to make a game plan after we get all our info. Unless we default to the classic walk along the road to the keep of evil.


Booth has not started druid classes yet, it is the next level. So he does not know Sylvan since he didn't start as a character with the druid class.

But I gotta ask, is that Irish and you both were posting with the advantage of being locals, or is that actual Sylvan language like how them Trekkies have Klingon?

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'(( Search, Heal, and Knowledge Nature checks if trained please. ))'


GM, as a deep gnome, Booth has the +1 racial modifier to attack for goblinoids and kobold kind. Would familiarity with their weapons and fighting techniques help add any assistance to those checks?

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1 hour ago, Ensou said:

GM, as a deep gnome, Booth has the +1 racial modifier to attack for goblinoids and kobold kind. Would familiarity with their weapons and fighting techniques help add any assistance to those checks?

Not this time, though I will say those will come in handy fairly soon.

Will be making a post soon, had a computer issue and I just had to reinstall windows. Trying to redownload all my stuff.

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1 hour ago, Ensou said:


Booth has not started druid classes yet, it is the next level. So he does not know Sylvan since he didn't start as a character with the druid class.

But I gotta ask, is that Irish and you both were posting with the advantage of being locals, or is that actual Sylvan language like how them Trekkies have Klingon?

Sylvan is a language of fey, useful for druids but not required (not sure if you're thinking of druidic, or not, which is the secret language of druids you get from a class level),you'd have to spend skill ranks on Speak Language to pick it up.

I think the both of us were just using google translate for Irish. I usually use an online translator for the Witcher's Elderspeech when speaking Sylvan, but that's heavily based on gaelic/Irish anyway, so its a much of a muchness.

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