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1 hour ago, Blaeringr said:

@farothel The platforms with the archers are 12 ft up, Chalia needs to roll an athletics check to reach that high (you can roll your own and ignore the roll I tagged on there). If her jump doesn't succeed, she can continue the same movement action to reach the yellow guy. Or she can do another perception check to look for other ways to the archers.

@omegoku The second fort save will be on your next turn. All three of you are now at stage one of lethargy poisoning. If you fail the second save, the effects for stage 2 don't worsen, but you don't get another save for a minute after that. If you fail that save and go to stage 3, lights out for 1 round. 4th save is one round after that, and failing that means stage 4 which means lights out for 1d4 hours.

Also, Khaine has lost one action due to being slowed 1. But he still has one action remaining since he took out the bandit captain (yellow) on his first strike (with help from Flick).


Will the roll you did make it up there?

Oh, I removed my last action due to the slowed.



1 hour ago, Blaeringr said:

@farothel The platforms with the archers are 12 ft up, Chalia needs to roll an athletics check to reach that high (you can roll your own and ignore the roll I tagged on there). If her jump doesn't succeed, she can continue the same movement action to reach the yellow guy. Or she can do another perception check to look for other ways to the archers.

@omegoku The second fort save will be on your next turn. All three of you are now at stage one of lethargy poisoning. If you fail the second save, the effects for stage 2 don't worsen, but you don't get another save for a minute after that. If you fail that save and go to stage 3, lights out for 1 round. 4th save is one round after that, and failing that means stage 4 which means lights out for 1d4 hours.

Also, Khaine has lost one action due to being slowed 1. But he still has one action remaining since he took out the bandit captain (yellow) on his first strike (with help from Flick).


Will the roll you did make it up there?

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