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Caves Behind the Washnoran Falls

Black Wyvern

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Posted (edited)

DM Narrative

Lionel heals himself and then starts checking out the hobgoblins for better armor. He begins jostling one around and it wakes up in the process. The hobgoblin slashes at Lionel.


Hobgoblin 1:
Hobgoblin 2: <sleeping>
Hobgoblin 3: <dead>
Hobgoblin 4: <sleeping>
Hobgoblin 5: <sleeping>
Hobgoblin 6: <sleeping>


Marching Order:

Duggrule: Wounded -1
Zyira: <sleeping>
Lionel: Wounded -3
Red Max:
Simultaneous Initiative: Looks like he will kill Lionel, but maybe you can avenge your own death. Nobody tied up the goblins or said they were disarming them.
Edited by Black Wyvern (see edit history)
Party Surprise
1d6 4
Initiative Party the Hobgoblin
2; 2
1d6;1d6 [2]; [2,2]
Hobgoblin Attacks Lionel
19; 8
1d20;1d8 [19]; [19,8]
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Barlo nocks another arrow and aims at the awakened hobgoblin, loosing.

Bow Attack Don't Miss
15,16; 5,2
repeat(1d20+2,2);repeat(1d6,2) [13,14]; [13,14,5,2]
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Posted (edited)

DM Narrative

Barlo staples the hobgoblin attacking Lionel but not before it strikes, however Red Max, who just finished waking up Zyira, jumps in at the last second receiving the death blow instead of the cleric. The rest of the party finish off the sleeping creatures. A search of their bodies reveals 23 gold coins, 15 silver coins and 47 copper coins. Each also wears a strange bronze amulet around their necks. The amulets are circular and have two runes of some sort imprinted on their surface.


Hobgoblin 1: <dead>
Hobgoblin 2: <dead>
Hobgoblin 3: <dead>
Hobgoblin 4: <dead>
Hobgoblin 5: <dead>
Hobgoblin 6: <dead>


Marching Order:

Duggrule: Wounded -1
Zyira: (Cure light wounds, Sleep)
Marzipo: (Charm Person, Sleep, Ventriloquism, Phantasmal Forces)
Lionel: Wounded -3 (cure light wounds, cure light wounds)
Red Max: <dead>
Recovered Treasure: 23gp, 15 sp, 47cp
Edited by Black Wyvern (see edit history)
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Zyira winces as she sees her companion fall. "By all that is..." She sighs, catches the dead man in her hands as she rises, and then takes stock of the situation.


"This is dire... Lionel, I can heal your injuries." Zyira offers her curative magic to her fellow priest.

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Marzipo sighs and shakes his head, looking at the two fallen comrades.

"Can you save both of them?", he asks Zyira.


He picks up one of the bronze amulets and examines it in more details. Looking at the back face, and then the runes.

Inspecting the amulet
1d6 1
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Duggrule Stonecutter

image.png.57dd8e29ec683f899b9d492331fb67fc.pngAC: 1 (Plate mail, Shield, Dex HP: 13/13 #Att:1 Damage: Long Sword (1d8/1d12) Dagger (1d4/1d3) To Hit Bonus: +2 Damage Bonus: +3

Still mumbling about how mistakes like this would get them all killed, Duggrule rummaged through Red Max’s gear. He grabbed 50 feet of rope, two large sacks, and a water skin, adding them to his pack. “Max won’t be needing these. He knew what he was getting into. Leave the body here while we finish the mission. We can pick him up on the way back.” DuggDugrule shot a stern look at Lionel before stomping off to search the room.

OOC: going to search the room

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Posted (edited)

DM Narrative

The guardroom is a 30'x30' square. The walls are mined stone. There are six beds, a crude rectangular wooden table with two tree trunks hacked to make benches on either side of it. The are six badly tarnished silver plates and goblets and an equally tarnished water pitcher on the table. Each of the plates is filled with a nasty meat dish than only a monster would eat. There are two barrels in the room, one filled with water and the other holds a dozen well made and cared for spears. There is an open arched exit on the far side of the room.


Marching Order:
Duggrule: Wounded -1
Zyira: (Cure light wounds, Sleep)
Marzipo: (Charm Person, Sleep, Ventriloquism, Phantasmal Forces)
Lionel: (cure light wounds, cure light wounds)
Recovered Treasure: 23 gp, 15 sp, 47 cp
Monsters Defeated: 6 Hobgoblins

Just so you all have a fair shake at finding things, this is how I handle searching:
"I search the room": I roll a die and no matter what it rolls nothing hidden is found.
"I am going to search the beds": I roll a dice and you have a 1 in 6 chance of finding something hidden in the beds.
"I am removing the bedding and shaking it, cutting open the mattresses and dumping the padding on the floor, then I am looking over the frame and to see if anything looks out of place or if there is a hidden compartment. Then I tap the butt of my spear on the area under the bed to see if there are any hidden hiding places": I don't roll a dice and you automatically find anything hidden in the beds.
Edited by Black Wyvern (see edit history)
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