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Aithne, Chosen of Belenus

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Aithne is an odd dichotomy of naive and jaded at the same time. She has been jaded by years of harsh rules and tyranny from a dictator who has lost all connection to the god she so dearly loved as well as a home that doesn't play by the same rules as the rest of the multiverse. A home where everyone is just a pawn on some greater being's game of chess. She wears her invitee on her sleeve and her heart. She has had to suppress her normally kind and caring personality for the priesthood that it almost seems like it's an alien part of her now. And yet it also boils up now and again.

She is still getting used to the multiverse as a whole since the nation of Nidala itself is sequestered in a far flung prison that plays by it's own rules. Such simple things as magic still mystify her greatly. Teleportation, summoning, and the like are still quite new to her as are extraplanar and other overtly mythical things like dragons. Sure Banemaw existed in her realm but she never laid eyes on him. There was so much she had to get used to still. From customs to simple things like the new normal situations. But most of all she had to get used to the idea that her god was now able to talk to her. Something that gives her pride but also scares her to death.


Born in Nidala Perhaps it was fate for Aithne to be a chosen of Belenus. While her life was idyllic at first Banemaw razed her village. She was the only survivor so at a year old she was taken in by Elana's faithful. There she was raised to be true to Belenus' teachings. But it was not always an easy task. Her naturally caring and forgiving side clashed with Elana's iron rules. Not to mention the natural boisterousness of a young child. Her time in the orphanage being groomed for one of Elana's faithful was especially harsh as there were more rules than even posed to society.

Still she made it through childhood and into being an acolyte of Belenus further training in his teachings via Elana's faithful. And yet even as a grim acolyte training to enforce Belenus' will on the people as it was taught to her there was some doubts about faith. Yes she had preformed miracles in Belenus' name but he was strangely silent. Elana taught them all look for signs from him everywhere but there were rumors that even for Elana herself Belenus had fallen silent. Moreover there were also rumors of ancient tomes describing Belenus. Some heretical tomes that seemed to even predate Nidala itself. Of course Elana's chosen would set fire to these books cleansing them before they could be studied further. For they went against the rigid doctrine of Elana herself some rumors say. Yet it was enough for the intrepid acolyte to set out herself into the wilderness herself.

Three days travel from her home she entered the forbidden woods of the Phantasmal Forest. She knew vaguely of the dangers there but she was not satisfied with life in that living nightmare of a country whom seen its own people hang for the crime of having fun or simply trying to live a life of their own making. But the Phantasmal Forest turned into it's own kind of nightmare and within a day and a half she was completely lost and drained from encounters with it's unnatural inhabitants. Yet she drove on through thickets and brush.

It was midday on the second day when she found a path lined with gnarled trees that seemed to engulf the path ahead. Their ancient twisted branches entwined enough to block out the the light overhead. As she walked forward the light seemed to die off in the trees. But a simple incantation solved that problem. Light burst forth on her staff causing it to illuminate the area around her. When she did she saw a mist covered building. Hurrying inside she found what she was looking for. This disused dilapidated building showed signs of being dedicated to Belenus himself though all holy symbols in the ancient fane had been either broken or profaned.

In her heart of hearts she knew that this was what she was looking for. Moving to the alter she saw an ancient manuscript that seemed to predate anything she had seen before. She moved to pick up the book but as she did a chill moved down her entire body. Slowly she backed up to see the mists from outside had made their way into the forsaken temple. As they wrapped themselves around her she could feel a voice inside her head for the first time. While it didn't speak directly she could feel a connection forming she had never experienced in her life. Confusion set in as she closed her eyes and pushed her hands against her head. The mists began to swirl faster and faster until she lost consciousness.

When she woke up she found herself in a tavern she'd never been before. Of course she'd never been in a tavern as they didn't exist within the borders of Nidala. Alcohol and other mind affecting substances were strictly forbidden. One of the first rules she learned. Standing up she now found herself within the Folding Tavern.

Female Neutral Good Human Cleric/fighter, Level 3, Init 1, HP 36/36, Speed 20ft
AC 21, Touch 11, Flat-footed 20, Fort 5, Ref 2, Will 6, Base Attack Bonus 3
Masterwork Sickle +7 (1d6+2, x2)
Full Plate, heavy wooden shield (+8 Armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 12
Condition None



Straight Cleric/Fighter build


Human Extra turning Fighter 1 Weapon focus: Sickle

1st Pious Soul Fighter 2 Power Attack

3rd Divine Might

I plan on taking the weapon focus line feats with the fighter and plenty of divine feats minus divine metamagic.

Edited by Divinedragonslayer (see edit history)
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Alright, after a first run-through, here's what I've seen:

  • You've shorted yourself on skill points. I think you left off the extra skill point for being a human? You should end up with 18 total.
  • Please itemize your purchases, so I can check your math more easily.
  • I've never even noticed that "faith points" system in Complete Divine before. We've disallowed the similar points variants before (Eberron's action points, taint/depravity, etc), but this one seems pretty tame, and it requires a feat investment to use it at all. So, I think it's fine. I'll ask the other mods, just to be sure.
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Okay. I'll hold off on that. If you don't like pious soul then I'll change it to extra turning.

As for the rest sorry about that.

Half Plate: 1500 gp

Belt of Healing: 750 gp

Backpack: 2 gp

Belt Pouches x 3: 3 gp

rations 4: 2 gp

Wooden Holy Symbol

Bedroll: 1 sp


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22 hours ago, Divinedragonslayer said:

I'm thinking of a cleric from Nidala to be honest. I'm tentatively going fighter but I'm really not married to it.


I hope you don't mind, but I brought this over from the Questions thread so we don't clutter it up. Anyways, while I'm not too familiar with Nidala or it's beings/environs, I do have a few ideas I can help with depending on what you want to do and what you have access to.

So, idea 1: if all you need is extra feats and want to hit things, you can't go wrong with fighter. If you don't mind psionics, psychic warrior does the exact same with a few extra options.

Idea 2: if you want to be that knight in shining armor without the restrictions of lawful stupid; I'd honestly pick up a level or two of Crusader. It's in the Book of 9 Swords and gives you more to do than swing mace and heal the other guy. Downside it that it does give you more stuff to track and less feats.

Idea 3: Alternatively, you could go with Incarnate. That is out of the book Magic of Incarnum. It kinda has magic items built in and makes for a decent support class for cleric.


Honestly, these are all just thoughts that can be taken with a grain of salt. I think you currently have a perfectly fine and viable character as is.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/22/2024 at 7:54 PM, Divinedragonslayer said:

Okay. I'll hold off on that. If you don't like pious soul then I'll change it to extra turning.

As for the rest sorry about that.

Half Plate: 1500 gp

Belt of Healing: 750 gp

Backpack: 2 gp

Belt Pouches x 3: 3 gp

rations 4: 2 gp

Wooden Holy Symbol

Bedroll: 1 sp


Sorry for the delay. Let's try to get all the items on a single list, because this doesn't seem to include all of your iteams. Here's everything I see from your sheet and this post:

half plate 1500
belt of healing 750
mwk sickle 306
backpack 2
belt pouch (x3) 3
rations (x4) 2
wooden holy symbol 0
bedroll 0.1
waterskin 1
heavy wooden shield 7

The total is 2571 gp, 1 sp; so if this is the equipment you want, you'll have 428 gp, 9 sp left over.

Let's maybe stay away from the faith-points system. I think it requires a bit more DM buy-in than you're likely to get in our episodic play-by-post format, so it's probably better to pick something else. Once you've done that, I can get you an approval stamp.


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