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Introduction: At the Royal Garrison in the Provincial Capital


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22 hours ago, Xiadais said:

He produces the writ-tablet with the royal insignia.

The elf takes the tablet, reads it over for a moment and then hands it to the sergeant who then examines it in turn. For all the harsh words exchanged, the sergeant clearly maintained no small authority here.

Your writ seems to be all in order. Very well. I won't ask what errand you are on and I would bid you to strongly consider who you tell of it.

This is about the sum of it...

The elf recounted the general state of affairs - no officers left at the garrison, medicine running low, good food low, morale in the gutter, the regular troops drunk and disorderly at the best of times, and still plenty of bandits in the woods. The bandits were hardly battlehardened bushwhackers but in numbers and on terrain known to them they were still plenty deadly.

One thing is curious to me, adds the sergeant. The bandits are getting bled pretty bad by our lads. And there ain't much gold to take to make it really worthwhile. So there must be something else egging them on.

The elf spat. Edhil's doing, maybe. We can ask a few questions of the prisoner perhaps.

The sergeant and elf leader confer for a few moments and they ask for, in addition to provisions, another thirty men with a captain and another dozen elven light infantry.

And tell the Prince, adds the elf sorrowfully, that Cirlan and his companions burn on. He will understand.


1 hour ago, Tecumseh said:

"Here, where's that piece of paper with our commission on it? Maybe we can waive it around at headquarters to get some face-to-face time with the prisoner."

In fairly short order Alia and her fellows can deduce that Xylanthir has the writ in the crude headquarters and the prisoner is also locked up there. A few human soldiers lurk outside the building, with the petulant air of having been just kicked out.


5 hours ago, Oligopsony said:

He'll ask broadly about any magic that appears to be weilded by rebels, and - once a rapport is established, if it is - mention rumors he has heard of the flight of the Royal Archeologist as a source of such magical disruptions.

One of the elves that had returned from the patrol carried only a shortsword and had the knack of sorcery about him. Although the elf wore similar armor to his fellows such a thing was not unheard especially for mages whose profession took them to the battlefield.

The elf held up a hand to wait, then drank a few heavy draughts of steaming tea to revvive himself to a state of relative lucidity.

Well, there's bandits and then rebels. These are mostly bandits, and they might have one true mage in their ranks squirreled away somewhere. But if so, we have not come across them yet.

We still fight as if they had a mage. The Prince drilled that into us all those endless years ago. Never bunch up. Be quick on the draw. Protect your own mage, that's yours truly. And I suppose you are mage as well.

The rebels though, they are basically remnants of a turncoat Royal army. So that comes with more than a handful of sorcerers of various kinds. Most are petty mages, though. Thankfully. I have seen the Imperial Archmage rip the flesh from one hundred men with a torrent of fire, unleashed with little more than the flick of a hand. And you don't forget that sort of thing even if you wish to which I do.

And as to this Imperial Archaeologist, well I never knew the man but if you tell me there's some nasty third party out there stirring things up, I won't doubt you. There's more going on than just that traitor Edhil. The bandits, for one. And the deep woods feel more restive, in a way that's not welcome to the elves.

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30 minutes ago, matt_s said:

And the deep woods feel more restive, in a way that's not welcome to the elves.

"More restive.. how? The animals, the spirits, people other than bandits - something else? Even if you mean something more subtle, and granting that my Elvish is - I must admit - quite paltry, I'm curious to hear."

(Simeon will be carrying the conversation in Elvish if you'd rule that his Diplomatic Grace talent gives him access to it; otherwise, he's trying to pick it up, and would have in conversations with Alia as well.)

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Lord Xylanthir

Lord Xylanthir dutifully writes down the report and requisition request, though it is apparent he thinks the amount requested is exorbitant. "No apparent reason to continue, yet they persist in their banditry... yes, I think they must be pursuing some ulterior goal. Do they seem... well organized? Or simply too persistent?"

He ponders as he continues writing, rubbing his chin and adjusting his hat. The situation here was clearly worse than expected so close to Argorgotha, yet perhaps the imperial forces were stretched thin and this depot would never be a priority? Whatever the case, this did not bode well for the difficulty of their assassination mission.

"I will relay your sentiments to your Prince." He signs and dates the missive, requests the sergeant's and elf's signatures, and seals it, taking careful mental not of their names. "Now then. That prisoner seems to require a hearty dose of interrogation." He rubs his hands together eagerly in anticipation of the event.

Abridged Statistics

Resources HP 6/6 • System Strain 0/14 • Committed Effort 0/4 • Spells Cast 0/1

DefensesAC 16 • Physical 14 • Evasion 15 • Mental 13 • Luck 15

Skills Connect-0 • Lead-0 • Magic-1 • Ride-0




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The sergeant shrugged indifferently.

Bandits tend to be pushovers when it comes to questioning. He resisted our patrols with armed force - that is enough for the gallows and he knows it. So any information that can, you, prevent that and save his neck, he'll more than likely provide with little prompting.

No honor among thieves.

He spat. Then, addresses the party members present,

If you have questions you are burning to ask, let me know. We'll ask them in a moment.

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IK7qeos.jpgCedric Blackburn

HP: 9/9 | AC: 17 | AB: +1 | Saves: Phys 14+ | Eva 15+ | Men 14+ | Luck 15+

Cedric follows the rest of their motley crew off the ship towards where the prisoner was taken. After hearing the chat Xylanthir had with the sergeant he pondered over what the bandits would want if nothing of value was here. "How many other ways could a boat from the capital get to the Prince of Chains? Would controlling this point effectively stop the flow of supplies north in a way attacking anywhere else on the river wouldn't?" It seemed like a simple question but was the only thing he could think of.




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The sergeant and the elf Cirlan nod thoughtfully.

You're already thinking like a soldier, the sergeant laughs. This is pretty much the only supply route to the town by the Lake, but the river is harder to blockade than you might think and there's plenty of raiding via canoe and small watercraft as it is. If the town fell, then either the Argorgotha garrison or the Prince's forces will come and drop the hammer and take it back. Still, they wouldn't be happy about it.

Of course, that would take ten times the men and gold compared to just giving us some bloody reinforcements.

The sergeant spat. The floor was so dirty already it did not seem much the worse for it.

I'll go have a word with the prisoner, see what he's willing to cough up.

The sergeant briefly conferrred with a few guards and soon enough the prisoner was brought out and tied to a chair. A brief time in the cell had no improving effect on his appearance.

One professional to another, the sergeant began, unless you give us something really good, you're gonna hang. You know that, right?

He slammed his fist on the table dramatically. So talk! Who do you work for? Where are you camped? How many are you? Why bother with this village? What brings you here out of every corner of this forsaken land?

The prisoner looked almost bewildered and began to stammer.

Ah, just one question at a time, then... murmured the sergeant.

The prisoner began to speak in proper answers as the sergeant couched him through question by question.

He had been a conscript soldier in Edhil's army and found himself newly unemployed and worse yet unpaid once the city fell to the Royalists. But when one has a weapon, problems of poverty can be so easily resolved. Like attracts like, and this fellow found himself in the band of a desperado bearing the nom de guerre of "Throatcrusher". They were fortified maybe ten miles from the village in a position he claimed was impossible to locate but for a full pardon he would lead them along the winding ways to that place.

There were maybe fifty in the entire band. But that band roved widely and was rarely ever massed in a single body. They had little equipment with which they could have actually stormed the stockade and bandits did not seem the type to march a battering ram up to the gates.

The boss told them to attack the village, and that was that. Food and drink continued so they hardly complained. There were rumors, though, among the lads that a strange emissary had given Throatcrusher a hefty sum of peculiar coinage soon before the more intense raids and harassment of this place had begun. And some of their pay had been minted strangely. But silver was silver. Who cared how old it was?


The sergeant shrugged. The offer could be a trap, to lure us into an ambush. But I doubt he harbors such loyalties or such ambitions to high treachery.

Cirlan paced back and forth. Fifty... Even half that number may sell their lives dearly. And we would need to empty the garrison of pretty much all the competent fighters. Still, much must be risked in war. We should think on this proposition...

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IK7qeos.jpgCedric Blackburn

HP: 9/9 | AC: 17 | AB: +1 | Saves: Phys 14+ | Eva 15+ | Men 14+ | Luck 15+

50 men, mostly on patrol. "If we killed their leader and destroyed the camp the patrols would likely get cold feet." If all the fighters were like this lad here, Alia and himself could take out a good chunk. That was a big if though. Considering the rest of the party's scholarly nature they would likely need to borrow some men from the town here. Maybe the magicians of their group had something up their sleeve for combat though, he himself being unused to being in the company of magicians.

Cedric will either provide the Sergeant the following questions or ask them himself, allowing the prisoner to answer before moving on to the next question.
"Could you draw the layout of the camp? What kind of supplies and provisions des the camp have? Any animals? Do you know what kind of schedule each patrol keeps? How many people would be tending the camp while the patrols are out? Any sort of magicians? How did Throatcrusher earn his name?"


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Lord Xylanthir

"Ten miles, through winding ways," Lord Xylanthir repeats. "For a round trip complete with an assault, that does not sound like it would easily fit in a day." He glances at the elven soldier, a distressed look on his face. "I just don't think it would be reasonable for my group to make such a large detour in light of our assignment, and holding up a ship carrying important military supplies, at that. I doubt we would learn much about the Arch—uh, I doubt it would be relevant enough to our assignment. I also assume nobody here is in a privileged enough position to personally guarantee a royal pardon. As much as I would love to relieve my fellow soldiers of a major burden, it's just not within our orders. But, I will ensure Fantroy and the Lord of Chains learn the gravity of the situation."


Abridged Statistics

Resources HP 6/6 • System Strain 0/14 • Committed Effort 0/4 • Spells Cast 0/1

DefensesAC 16 • Physical 14 • Evasion 15 • Mental 13 • Luck 15

Skills Connect-0 • Lead-0 • Magic-1 • Ride-0


Lord Xylanthir can definitely still be convinced that this needs to be done by them... but does not think it's a good idea at the moment.

In the case that he does get convinced, he'd likely want to know whether the camp sports any key wooden structures. (His curiosity due to Degree of Ligneous Dissolution.) His spell list seems like a very good fit for an assault on an unsuspecting bandit camp, between that and The Wind of the Final Repose.


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Alia of the Tall Trees - Token - Headshot.png

"It's a trap," Alia opines flatly. "Maybe not an intentional one, but the effect is the same.

"If we can't find it, that means it is concealed. If it is concealed, that means poor sight lines. If the sight lines are poor, it means we'll be vulnerable all the while."

Alia shakes her head at the prospect.

"I see things the same way," she nods to Xylanthir. "A long detour, through unfamiliar terrain, dangerous, and for no certain reward to ourselves other than the sport.

"If they roam far and wide and there are only ten bandits present in camp, what have we really accomplished? If there are twenty-five present in camp, what are we risking?" The question seems rhetorical; the obvious answer seems to be "a lot". "Either we attain too little or we are unduly endangered. Both possibilities are poor."

Edited by Tecumseh
Grammar (see edit history)
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Mendraz Cusara

mendraz_ico.png.ceea67f173886707150743b811c85968.pngMendraz nods general agreement with Xylanthir and Alia. "It doesn't seem to be under our purview, I think it perhaps akin to chasing the bandits or survivors from the burning ship into the jungle. But I am responsible for the health of this band so, as at the burning ship, if it is decided we should go, I will, of course, come along."

He sighs and adds, "The old silver is interesting though. Obviously it doesn't have to have anything to do with..., our friend, but I would certainly not be surprised to learn he had access to some. And he might have an interest in fomenting unrest in the region, especially if it distracted the Prince of Chains without directly antagonizing him. If we need a reason to go, exploring that might provide one. It's tenuous speculation at best though...."

"You don't have any of that silver on you, do you?"


Edited by Zombie D Luffy (see edit history)
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ICassia Ci-Uwatha

HP: 5/5 | AC: 11 | System Strain: 12 | Trauma Target: 7
Attack Bonus: +0 | Saves: Phys 15 | Eva 14 | Men 14 | Luck 15
Magic: +1 | Heal: +0 | Stab: +0

Listening quietly, Cassia taps the tips of her fingers together, the long metal nails of her jewelry clicking together with the ease of long practice "I am all for the destruction of bandits.. However there needs to be a better reason than.. because."


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IK7qeos.jpgCedric Blackburn

HP: 9/9 | AC: 17 | AB: +1 | Saves: Phys 14+ | Eva 15+ | Men 14+ | Luck 15+

Cedric ponders for a moment, his hatred for rebels spurring reasons for them to be hunted. "For whatever reason each of us is here matters not, Fantroy hired killers not messengers. For whatever accursed reason this Throatcrusher wants to take this place and the sergeant himself has confirmed that whatever supplies being sent into the Prince of Chains territory would be halted were this place to fall. Rather than bring the Prince bad news, it might be worth the detour to cement ourselves as capable killers. If it is a trap then our prisoner here gets gutted either way. Its in his best interest that its not a trap. If it is a trap I will make sure he dies before I do." Cedric did not know he had that speech in him but it made sense to him but there it was. Who knew how far this hatred would take him?


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"That silver will tell," opines Simeon. "If it's not on his person they're spending it somewhere. A local tavernkeeper might have found some coming her way, however indirectly. If it's old silver, we can place when it was minted and, ah, whether Edhil's forces are abrogating the royal prerogative to mint sovereign coin, and what truth there is in this tale. I suspect that like most coin minted in war, this story may be somewhat adulterated - but with enough real value to hold onto."

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Alia of the Tall Trees - Token - Headshot.png

"Bandits don't spend," Alia says, perhaps with a certain degree of professional experience. "Bandits steal. If there's something they want, they take it. The coinage often ends up getting hoarded, with nowhere to spend it.

"Maybe there's a community out there that's sympathetic to their cause where they can spend money, but if so we're not going to get any cooperation out of them. We can beat it out of them but..." She trails off, then shrugs. "... the quality of the intel will be low. They'll just say whatever they think you want to hear, whatever will make the pain stop.

"Let's stick with the plan."

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21 hours ago, Landid said:

"Could you draw the layout of the camp? What kind of supplies and provisions des the camp have? Any animals? Do you know what kind of schedule each patrol keeps? How many people would be tending the camp while the patrols are out? Any sort of magicians? How did Throatcrusher earn his name?"

From the prisoner they get a general sense of the camp. It is ringed by a robust timber stockade and a small ditch. It is well stocked in the sort of supplies and provisions expected at a bandit camp - weapons, armor, food, drink. Their animals are pack animals. Cavalry is nearly useless in forest, remarks Cirlan. And it takes real skill to be more dangerous on a horse than on horse in any case.

The bandit laughs at the question of organizations. We're bandits, idiot. Do you think we keep rigid timetables or organization for, well, anything? Maybe half, maybe a third at any given time. The rest rove out to raid and forage widely. And no, no magicians in our ranks.

How do you think that curmodgeon got his name? Crushed someone's throat. The bandit laughed. As if this was the pinnacle of humor. Perhaps it was the only humor the man on the brink of execution could summon.

21 hours ago, Xiadais said:

"For a round trip complete with an assault, that does not sound like it would easily fit in a day."

The sergeant nods. You could do it, maybe. It would be a hard march there, and a hard march back, and a thousand things to go wrong.

19 hours ago, Zombie D Luffy said:

"You don't have any of that silver on you, do you?"

The sergeant grunts. I'll have a look through what we found on him. Cirlan's lot took the possessions here directly, and while I have a lot to say about elves I'll lay to this - those folk aren't the type to make plunder disappear.

Cirlan is clearly not quite sure what to make of the comment. But a brief search does turn up a single coin. Silver, tarnished, but the genuine article. An emblem peculiar. Of a dragon, consuming itself in an ouroboros. The earth about the dragon is broken in geysers. Of what the geysers are made of, it cannot be sad. The reverse is more normal. Just a profile of a King from era long forgotten.

ooc: if you have ranks in Know or Trade, roll with Int for more historical background. But you can tell it is old, old indeed...

The sergeant sighs as the group begins to reach a consensus. Sounds like you will be moving on. Can't blame you. I can't even tell you why I'm not throwing off this uniform and getting on board with you. Honor? No. Force of habit perhaps. Maybe I belong here. Maybe you'll be back.


percentile silver roll (high is lucky)
1d100 [74]
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