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Star Wars 5e?


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Hi Weavers 🙂

I'm thinking of running something "Star Wars" next month and of all the systems out there (so many) I'm gravitating towards Star Wars 5e. It's based on that popular game, covers everything I need for SW, and has an SRD providing easy access for players.

Interest? (Timeline-wise, I'm aiming at 0 BBY; after the Battle of Scarif but prior to the Battle of Yavin)

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In case anyone cares, I have made a TamperMonkey script to make small cosmetic changes to the DND 5E character sheet to make it fit with Star Wars 5E.

The standard disclaimer applies: you're installing a third-party (actually, two: TamperMonkey and my script) which run "arbitrary" code on your computer. Your anti-virus might trigger, and no amount of "trust me, bro" qualifies as security. You'll have to make up your own mind on if you trust me.

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