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Fredrick Kelvin Mercury (Mr. Fahrenheit/The Traveler)


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Name: Fredrick Kelvin Mercury

Alias: Mr. Fahrenheit / The Traveler

Age: 16

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 167lbs

Hair Color: Silver

Eye Color: Blue

Nationality: American

Species: Human (Cosmic Powered Suit)




Attributes (14)

















-2 2 2 2 2 2 2 -3


Defenses (06)


Dodge Parry Fortitude Toughness Will
Agi (2) + Mod + Rank (1) Fgt (2) + Mod + Rank (1) Sta (2) + Mod + Rank (1) Sta (2) + Mod + Rank Awe (2) + Mod + Rank (3)
Total: 3 Total: 3 Total: 3 Total: 2 Total: 5



Skills (15) & Advantages (03)


Skill Name Total Ability Rank Mods
Acrobatics 2 Agi 2 0  
Athletics 0 Str -2 2  
Close Combat (Unarmed) 5 Fgt 2 3  
Deception 2 Pre -3 0 5
Expertise (Computers) 5 Int 2 3  
Insight 2 Awe 2 0  
Intimidation -3 Pre -3 0  
Investigation 2 Int 2 0  
Perception 10 Awe 2 8  
Persuasion 2 Pre -3 0 5
Ranged Combat 2 Dex 2 0  
Sleight of Hand 2 Dex 2 0  
Stealth 2 Agi 2 0  
Technology 10 Int 2 8  
Treatment 5 Int 2 3  
Vehicles 5 Dex 2 3  
Spare Skill Section        
Spare Skill Section        
Spare Skill Section        
Spare Skill Section        
Advantage Name & Rank

Attractive 2, Extraordinary Effort




Powers (62)

Cosmic Body: 26pp - 5 Removeable (Difficult) =21pp

Immunity: Life Support (10) 1/rank x 10 ranks = 10pp

Senses (3): Danger Sense, Direction Sense, Distance Sense = 3pp

Protection (10) 1/rank x 10 ranks = 10pp

Levitation (1) 1/rank x 1 rank +1 flat = 2pp

Extras: Aquatic +1 flat

Flaws: Levitation -1/rank

Cosmic Ripple: Teleport: 5/rank x 8 ranks = 40pts +11 = 51pp -10 removeable (difficult) = 41pp

Description: Freddie can teleport up to 1 mile as a move action, or up to 250 miles with 2 move actions. When doing so, he may focus his cosmic energy flow to cause a spatial rip in surrounding matter. Effectively he removes this matter causing a gravitational pull to the center of where he teleported from, attracting surrounding matter to fill that space. Upon reentry (where he ends this teleportation) he causes a secondary effect pushing matter outward to accommodate the new matter filling this new space. This creates a gravitational push, or a repulsion effect, that propels matter with a destructive Kinetic push. All of this takes place within a 30ft radius.

Extras: Accurate +1/rank, Extended +1/rank, Easy +1/rank. Change Direction +1 flat, Change Velocity +1 flat, Increased Mass 6, turnabout +1 flat, Dynamic Alternate Power (Cosmic Ripple) +2 flat.

Dynamic Alternative Power: Cosmic Ripple

Teleport 3/rank (up to 12 ranks) +11 flat (min: 14pts max: 38pts)

Extras: Accurate +1/rank, Change Direction +1 flat, Change Velocity +1 flat, Increased Mass 6, turnabout +1 flat, Dynamic Alternate Power (Cosmic Ripple) +2 flat.

linked: Move Object 3/rank (up to 12 ranks = Min: 3pts max: 36pts)

Extras: Secondary Effect +1/rank, Area +1/rank

Flaw: Limited (Attraction/Repulsion) -1/rank


Cosmic Overflow: 3/rank (Max 15 Ranks) + 6 Flat = 9 - 51pts

Extras: Damage 1/rank, Perception +2/rank, Precise +1 flat, Indirect +4 flat, Subtle +1 flat

Cosmic Storm:

Teleport 3/rank (up to 8 ranks) +11 flat (Min: 14pts Max: 38pts)

Extras: Accurate +1/rank, Change Direction +1 flat, Change Velocity +1 flat, Increased Mass 6, turnabout +1 flat, Dynamic Alternate Power (Cosmic Rip) +2 flat.

linked: Move Object 3/rank (up to 12 ranks = Min: 3pts Max: 36pts)

Extras: Area +1/rank, Selective +1/rank

Flaw: Limited (Attraction/Repulsion) -1/rank


Initiative +2

Unarmed (Strike): +8. Strength-based Effect (DC: 13)

Power (Cosmic Ripple): Area [Blast: 30']. Energy Effect (DC: 16-27)

Power (Cosmic Storm): Area [Blast: 30'] Energy Effect (DC: 16-17) Selective.

Power (Cosmic Overflow): Perception Range. Energy Effect (DC: 30)

Complications // Motivations

Enemy // Acceptance

Honor // Doing Good

Rivalry // Justice

Secret // Responsibility

Abilities 14pp / Powers 62pp / Advantages 3pp / Skills 15pp / Defenses 6pp

Class Schedule

A-Day B-Day
Math Science
History English
~Lunch~ ~Lunch~
Gym Music
Edited by BeyondThePale (see edit history)
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Fredrick was born on September 25th, 2006. His parents are huge fans of the rock band Queen and their idolization of Freddie Mercury, mixed with the fact that his father's surname was actually Mercury, led them to name him after the singer. Fun fact, Mercury was never the singer's actual last name. His father, Robert Mercury, always said that Freddie chose to be a Mercury and that was okay by him. As if he had given the singer permission himself, a little inside joke between him and little Freddie's mother, Kathryn.

Bob and Kathryn Mercury were scientists who had been employed by Wayne Enterprises since they were scouted for a program straight out of college, chosen by Lucius Fox himself. Working for research and development, they were tasked with heading several top secret projects. One of these projects was what they believed to be a Government Military contract dealing with the disposal and reengineering of alien technology after the end of the war. Bob was the lead project engineer in charge of determining the use and potential distribution of alien tech, be it for civilian or military applications, he was in charge of classification and execution of reengineering efforts. Kathryn was in charge of research, determining the origin and original intended purpose of the technology, while determining if the tech could be safely reengineered to begin with and mapping out how it could be done.

While Kathryn was examining a piece of equipment that was discarded as potentially hazardous but of unknown classification. The equipment had at one time been acquired by Luthor Corp and reobtained by Wayne Enterprises through the aid of Star Labs. While preparing a plate that she believed was the control for the device for thermal imaging it activated and opened the device which sent out a burst of radiant energy. The flare left Kathryn unconscious and when she came to, it was revealed that she was pregnant and the device was left open, but empty of its potential contents. Tests confirmed that she was ok, and other than the pregnancy nothing had been out of the ordinary.

As the pregnancy with Fredrick progressed she started getting sick, showing signs of radiation poisoning, but the baby remained healthy despite the mother's continued degrading health. Soon after Fredrick was born, Kathryn passed away from her ailment, and Bob was left to raise Fredrick himself.

Robert Mercury was not a bad father, just consumed by his work. The majority of the time proceeding his wife's death, he spent studying the device she had been working on prior to her exposure. Since he wasn't allowed to use his official work time on tech deemed unsalvageable, he would spend his nights working on the device in secret. For the next 10 years he would make little to no progress on the device's origin, though he did manage to determine it contained tech that was powered by cosmic energy. Without a supply of cosmic energy at his disposal, all attempts to get the device to work and study what it did, proved fruitless.

Fredrick spent a lot of time at the office with his father, who homeschooled him from the office, a special privilege afforded to him for his extenuating circumstances. His work never faltered or suffered from the extra load he put upon himself so no red flags were raised over the years.

One night, while working in his "free time" on the cosmic device, he had been drinking. Celebrating what would have been his 30th anniversary with his wife. While he listening to Queen, their favorite band and the song he had sung to her at their wedding "Somebody to Love" he got especially lost in his 'celebrating' and lost track of his son's activities. Fredrick had found his way to the device, which had activated due to his close proximity. His blue eyes glowing with the same cosmic energy that had caused his mother's radiation poisoning. The closer he god the brighter it became. When he was finally within reach of the device it opened and a blueish white liquid poured out of one of 4 small cylinders attached to the underside of the device. The liquid material seemed to reach out to Fredrick's out stretched hand and when it touched him it latched on. Fredrick screamed, but by the time his father managed to get to him he was covered in the liquid and it was burning him. Robert could do nothing but watch as his son was consumed...until there was a deathly calm silence.

Fredrick was alive...but he was changed. His hair was silver and his eyes were a bright almost glassy sky blue. These were the only changes he could see in his son, but the device was the major change. It was alive as well, with data covering its screens in a language he had never seen before. When Lucius got wind of the change in the device, a new researcher was assigned to Robert's team. A young woman who went by the name Mia. She was a linguistics specialist and determined that the language was of New Genesis, home of the New Gods...

3 years passed before any significant progress was made on the data farmed from the device, but Mia deciphered the key finally and transcribed the opening code. "Behold and quicken the power of the Traveler, for with him comes the dawn of a new day...no a New God..."

The device was a means by which to bond an "alien" species with the DNA of a God...old or new, it was not clear. "for to you beyond all other gods it is dearest to be man’s companion..." she immediately recognized after translating a few more phrases, this was a data base of Greek mythology, specifically in reference to the Greek god Hermes.

When Mia revealed her findings to Robert he was unsure how to proceed. He approached Lucius and was given a possible remedy. When Fredrick turned 14 he would be enrolled in Wayne's School for the Exceptional, where they would study his progress. Robert began treating Fredrick less like a Son and more like a new project. It was the only way he could cope with all of these revelations. Secretly he began to resent Fredrick believing him to be an alien parasite who killed his wife.

Fredrick has only seen his father a handful of times over the last 2 years since his initial enrollment. He is a quiet student, keeping mostly to himself. He isn't abrasive to his fellow students, just awkward and finds social interactions difficult.

His symbiotic relationship with the cosmic being he often referred to as "the primordial ooze", has proven to be the only lasting relationship he has been able to consistently rely on and become emotionally invested in. He has learned more about his abilities than he has any other aspect of his schooling, and it has been made clear to him that he needed to progress in his academics or he may lose his scholarship and return to his father at Wayne Enterprises...something that would be a worst case scenario for the boy than anything else he could imagine. He has devoted himself to making this year turn out different. He would try harder than he had ever tried at anything before...he would really need to work on his ability to focus, being neurodivergent wasn't always a blessing...like most anything else he viewed about himself, he was collectively just one big happy curse wrapped up in a pretty bow.


Edited by BeyondThePale (see edit history)
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Review (Fluff): Basically, you're playing a version of Halo, but instead of having powers based on the different colors, you're just set at a small grouping. If you're unfamiliar, she got her powers from a piecemeal mother box, draws her energy from the 'cosmic source' and joins Young Justice in a desperate hope to discover who and what she is. While it isn't completely one-for-one (which is good), it's a viable story and can work once you hammer through a lot of the nitpicks I have on the crunch.


Review (Crunch): Weird that you have almost no skills other than a perception that is beyond supernatural in just regular skill. Your character hasn't played any sports, built a computer, or played an instrument?

Drop Space Travel 3. If we get to the point where space travel would become a thing, you'd have time to spend the points on it, or be able to use a hero/victory point and do the alternate power.

Drop improved initiative. I didn't think this would come up as often as it has, or I'd have posted it. But I let the first post each round be the first action in the initiative. Too many people will 'wait for initiative order' and hold up posting in a Play By Post game. Use the points for something else.

Separate Regeneration from your Quickenss power. If it's in both quickness, and its AP, and it doesn't do anything different, it needs to be a separate power.

Why do you have teleport, super speed, and Flight? You could save a ton of points by having JUST teleport and grabbing a single rank in flight with the flaw of levitation. And suddenly you can be anywhere that flight could give you, and when you're in air, you just float there until you teleport again, with no fear of falling.

With Protection being an alter power of speed, you are choosing to either move fast for a round, or have a defense for a round. I'd recommend splitting those.




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You make a lot of good points. I nixed the speed and flight, and focused on Teleport. Without the speed factors I nixed movement powers as they also became slightly irrelevant. I took your other notes and freed up about 6pp after I got everything where I wanted it to be, and made cosmic overflow a power stunt. He doesn't have any other damaging powers or abilities at the moment, but cosmic overflow could become an AP, maybe even dynamic when he gets some extra power points to spend on it. His strength is horrible at the moment...

So I decided to go with a Dynamic alternative power and called it Cosmic Rip. Pretty much whatever ranks he decides not to put into teleport, he instead puts it into an area damage effect. Let me know if this would work: The alternate power is a move object with the damaging modifier. It is limited once by only being allowed to attract or repel. Then it is limited further as a connection to the teleportation effect, where it is specifically an attraction upon exiting a space, and then a repel upon reentry. The Move object would have the secondary effect modifier for the purpose of the repulsion and attraction effects being split between the two areas. I would use it as a split effect though...meaning that I would split the rank for Move object between the two effected areas. Its an effect I've been obsessed with making work mechanically for quite some time and its evolution has become almost perfect...but it still requires a bit of twisting in the rules, since the secondary effect occurs at the end of the teleport. Would the effect be delayed 6 seconds until the end of my next turn as the secondary effect modifier describes? I wouldn't mind if my reentry is delayed until the start of my next turn, but it seems a bit much to also say that it takes effect at the end of my next turn, as that would take away an entire round of actions...that would kind of defeat the purpose of secondary effect as a +1/rank modifier...

That are your thoughts?

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10 hours ago, Xerin said:

Review (Fluff): Basically, you're playing a version of Halo, but instead of having powers based on the different colors, you're just set at a small grouping. If you're unfamiliar, she got her powers from a piecemeal mother box, draws her energy from the 'cosmic source' and joins Young Justice in a desperate hope to discover who and what she is. While it isn't completely one-for-one (which is good), it's a viable story and can work once you hammer through a lot of the nitpicks I have on the crunch.


Sounds very similar and I am currently reading up on her. The "device" in his origin could have been a mother box, or some part of one. The old gods connection, specifically to Hermes is the basic theme I was going for. I thought of the device as a remnant of the old gods that effectively "reincarnates" a new subject using the DNA of a suitable host from the world the device has been sent to. Kind of like a fail safe mechanism to cultivate new "old gods". Before the connection to Halo, I was thinking of a way to make a less powerful (more focused to a singular power set) version of Shazam, this being an alternate version of the power of Hermes...which was where the cosmic speed came from. At your suggestion, Teleportation works better for instantaneous movement. So yeah...some combination there of regarding shazam (connection to the greek gods/old gods) and Halo (cosmic source via the mother box).

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3 things I would like to encounter and why?

1) I would like to see Freddie reconcile his past so he can look more toward the future. Freddie has resentments toward his father and he feels guilt for the death of his mother. He believes his father hates him and simply treats him as a weapon, and up until the point of this beginning, he see's himself as that as well.

2) Freddie needs to get more in tune with his human side. Being treated as alien tech for the majority of his life, he hasn't had much chance for more social interactions. This would be his first experience with people his own age and in a less sterile lab like setting.

3) It would be interesting to find out what Freddie is passionate about. Maybe he has a talent for music...or he hates computers, shunning his tech classes while inexplicably (without taking his alien symbiotic relationship into consideration) excelling at it.


3 things I would like to avoid and why?

1) I would like Freddie to avoid any dark and gritty violence for the sake of roll-playing. I'm looking for a more character driven arch that helps him advance as a human being with exceptional abilities instead of feeding into his "cosmic" impulses.

2) I would like to avoid freddie interacting too much with established characters that are simply there to "show him up" or stunt his ego. This is a popular trope in shows and really, it isn't Freddie's bag. He doesn't have much of an ego, if anything he needs to build up his self esteem.


A classmate concept that would be fun to interact with, but not necessarily to play as (too weak, too strong, bad power set, etc):

A support character/classmate concept I would like to see for freddie is someone he can connect with, someone who understands his situation and maybe can relate to it on a basic level. Someone that can help him become more outgoing and push the boundaries of his limited world experiences. Maybe a little bit of a rebel, getting him into some minor trouble here and there...maybe a group of students with varying degrees of rebelliousness, but one in particular who really "gets him".

Edited by BeyondThePale (see edit history)
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