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Blue Jay

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15 minutes ago, Sundust said:

Might the following feat be allowed?

  • Chaos Music (Dragon 326): +4 Bard levels for the purpose of Bardic Music power/effects. [This is mainly for multiclass bards, so their music scales up for 4 more levels.]

Might any of the following Pathfinder 1E traits be allowed?

  • Pragmatic Activator - use intelligence instead of charisma on Use Magic Device checks
  • Student of Philosophy - use intelligence instead of charisma on bluff to tell a lie, diplomacy to persuade
  • Clever Wordplay - use intelligence instead of charisma on any single charisma-based skill
  • Beast Bond - gain +1 ride and +1 handle animal, and one such skill (player's choice) is a class skill

Per the Rules Thread,


Pathfinder 1e (feats (and only feats) from the Archives of Nethys / Pathfinder Reference Document; other PF content will not be reviewed or approved)

ONLY PF 1e feats. Nothing else. No traits, no drawbacks, nada.

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21 minutes ago, Sundust said:

Might the following feat be allowed?

  • Chaos Music (Dragon 326): +4 Bard levels for the purpose of Bardic Music power/effects. [This is mainly for multiclass bards, so their music scales up for 4 more levels.]

I’m not convinced that it’s needed, given all the 3.5 Bard material that already exists. Have you looked through any of that?

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Thanks for the responses all, and sorry about not seeing that PF1E note on the rules thread. I'm new - navigating all the threads while I contemplate a character. (It's been a little while since I've played 3.5!)


I added one other question:

... Can feats from flaws be taken at 3rd level (or 2nd level), if I am creating a 3rd-level character? (This is relevant to meeting feet prerequisites, such as minimum caster level 3.)

Edited by Sundust (see edit history)
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I have a question about the shaman's animal companion. Does it qualify for the urban companion ACF from the druid and if so, does it count as a familiar for prerequisites, like improved familiar?

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I will let the mods themselves answer any rules questions but an Animal Companion and Familar are two different things so I would not think those would stack. Nature's Bond would be more useful in later levels for an animal companion if you wanted to dip out of a class that gets one as it does not allow you to treat your character as a higher level than they really are.

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Pretty sure I asked if I could use Nature's Bond to up my effective druid level of my ranger to up his effective sorcerer levels for an urban companion and was told no. So I would think that urban companions are fully familiars and can make use of improved familiar.

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It looks like the RAW is that flaws can only be taken at "creation", which is ostensibly 1st level. Although I can definitely see an argument for allowing you to qualify for feats based on being 2nd/3rd level if you create the character at 3rd like most do here.


A player may select up to two flaws when creating a character. After 1st level, a character cannot take on additional flaws unless the game master specifically allows it


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I don't think non-transparency would prevent it, so presumably that is still the case with transparency, but I've never really been clear on what all that affects. I know only that spell resistance = power resistance and vice versa with transparency in effect, and likely that dispel magic/psionics work both ways, but that's about it.

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