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Are they labelled as monk weapons? To my knowledge they are not. So, it’s got to be knife/knife/kick, with all attacks at -4

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1 hour ago, darlis moonbeam said:

So a question came up in a game I am in and for the life of me I thought I had asked this question and got a positive response when I was doing this build in the first place but trying to find that needle in a haystack may be time consuming. So I have a monk character that has two weapon fighting and is using two drow long knives. I know for flurry of blows it was ruled that I could stack that with two weapon fighting to get a third attack with my foot in this case. The question however has come up with being able to treat the drow long knives as monk special weapons for the purpose of using in a flurry of blows.

Flurry of Blows is separate from Unarmed Strikes. As a monk, you can make an unarmed strike, even when your hands are full, so you don't need to use Flurry of Blows to get an off-hand unarmed strike. You need Flurry of Blows to get an extra attack beyond the usual number you're allowed to make. The question is whether you'd need to use Flurry of Blows to get that off-hand unarmed strike while using Two-Weapon Fighting.

Technically, TWF only lets you make one off-hand attack, so a strict reading would be that you make one attack with your main-hand knife, then one off-hand attack with either your other knife or your unarmed strike.

In your application thread, I read it more permissively: since monks can make unarmed strikes even when their hands are full, I supposed that that might allow you to make an extra "off-hand" attack (an unarmed strike with your foot) while using TWF. But TWF only allows a single off-hand attack, so you would technically require Multi-Weapon Fighting to use an additional off-hand weapon. But you can't actually meet the prereqs for MWF (it requires 3 hands), so that's not an option for you.

I'm afraid that technically leaves you stuck in a bit of a limbo, where you have an extra attack option that you're not able to use in your full attack.

Personally, I'd probably just let you make the off-hand unarmed strike anyway, because monks sometimes deserve nice things.

But, a way to resolve this more 'mechanically' would be to say the monk's unarmed strike counts as a third hand for the purpose of qualifying for Multi-Weapon Fighting. Then, as a "3-handed" creature, you can take MWF instead of TWF with your ranger combat style, giving you two off-hand attacks.


@Delia2531, @rogueblade0729, @Rudolf

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If using the TWF with weapons and not flurry of blows, would it be better to categorize unarmed as a secondary attack/weapon for a full attack?

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Then it just resolves as normal two-weapon fighting. You can do that with any weapon you please, as long as it fits in (or is) one hand.

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I vote we let them stack. So, if you have TWF and flurry of blows (an investment), you can make two bonus attacks with all of them at -4. At least one attack must be eligible for flurry of blows (by being a monk weapon).

That’ll be good against lots of small opponents, less good vs. a single foe of your level.

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With the new rules on a Ranger's Animal Companion, can we now trade it away for an Alternate Class Feature (ACF) at 1st level instead of 4th? For Example Distracting Attack (PHB2) at 1st level.

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52 minutes ago, Sohala said:

If using the TWF with weapons and not flurry of blows, would it be better to categorize unarmed as a secondary attack/weapon for a full attack?

That is one hypothetical approach we could take: treat an unarmed strike like a natural weapon. I considered including that in my post. But by RAW, I don't think an unarmed strike is actually a natural weapon. A monk's unarmed strike can take magical enhancements as if it were a natural weapon, but it's still treated as a manufactured weapon for things like iteratives and multiple-attack penalties. And the rules for natural weapons are entirely different, so we'd be adding a few layers of complexity to the question if we do it that way.

1 hour ago, KerlanRayne said:

With the new rules on a Ranger's Animal Companion, can we now trade it away for an Alternate Class Feature (ACF) at 1st level instead of 4th? For Example Distracting Attack (PHB2) at 1st level.


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A similar topic came up in one of my games since the character was doing that (full attack and then leg kick) and he swears it was okayed here when he was making a character. Although there is a feat Snap Kick that sounds like that. which would technically mean once he qualifies for it he'll be able to do 2 leg kicks.

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4 minutes ago, Rudolf said:

I’ve approved this in the past @Grudge

@Sohala@Blue Jay Monk’s attacks are NOT secondary attacks. We would need to discuss that on the moderator thread, that change has a lot of repercussions.

Well Darlis should be Happy although Blue appeared in the thread as the ghost of Christmas Past to solve the situation. Fortunately, in that game, I just shoot arrows and sic my wolf 😆

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I'm just mentally kicking around some build ideas and have a couple questions:

1) is there a 3.5e version of the sling-staff/hoopak? The closest I can find that isn't homebrew is PF1e's halfling sling-staff, which I am not going to ask for because it's not a feat.

2)a does RFT let rapid reload apply to slings?

2)b if the answer to 2a is no, can I request the following pathfinder feats Ammo Drop and Juggle Load?

Ammo Drop: load a sling as a swift action
Juggle load (requires Ammo Drop): load a sling as a free action

They're basically a 2-feat equivalent to rapid reload for slings.

Edited by Inash (see edit history)
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4 hours ago, darlis moonbeam said:

Perhaps I missed a discussion on this but did something happen to the savage progression link in the rules threads? I was looking something up and saw it gave me a 404 error.

I can't answer your question, but I can provide you with a new link since I happen to have saved it. Try here

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