Whitehat Investigations - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Whitehat Investigations

Game Masters
Game Information
  • Created Sep 5 '11
  • Last Post Nov 21 '11 at 3:54am
  • Status Aborted
  • System World of Darkness

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Game Description

You have survived your horror movie. Despite the odds, you were the one who survived while everyone else around you died. Maybe you were at band camp and the entire drum line besides you was eaten by a swamp monster. Maybe you were a soldier serving over seas when your squad discovered an ancient tomb of something that wasn't as dead as it was supposed to be. Maybe you watched the video, and seven days later it came for you but you didn't go down that well. Maybe all your teams' research in to crop circles finally payed off and you got an up close and personal look at what that probe does.

Whatever happened, you survived when others didn't.

Afterwards you tried to go back to a normal life; but after what you'd been through school, work, or home life just were not what they were supposed to be. The whole world seemed naive, going about its business without any clue how much was going on out there. You saw signs of it all over, where other people came up for excuses to explain away the strange and horrifying you could practically read what was really going on straight out of the newspaper. Then you got the letter...hand delivered, no stamp, in a salmon colored envelope that smelled of hickory. Written in small neat all caps lettering was the following:

"Dear Sir or Madame,

I know what you have been through. An alarming and enigmatic way to start a letter but I have never been one for beating around the bush. I know what you have been through for I went through a similar experience. I tried my damn best to get back to a regular life after it happened to me but it sure did not take. Maybe you are having more luck than I am on that account and if you are please disregard this note. Dismiss it, Burn it. Whatever you got to do. But if you are like me getting over it is not an option. I am putting together a kind of club, a group of like minded individuals to get out there and figure out what this world really contains. It will probably be dangerous, and certainly a lot of the time it will be boring, but it will also be real and a chance to make a difference. I know how differently things would be for me if there had been a bunch of good folk out there looking out for me when the stuff hit the fan.

My position in life lets me organize this little club and pay for it. I can pay you a reasonable salary plus expenses if need be. I have already got a few cases lined up. I've sent a few letters like these out, if you're interested show up at the enclosed address with this letter anytime. This offer does not have an expiration date. I have set it up in trust in case anything untoward happens to me.

Your Friend,
Mr. Whitehat"

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