Can You Hear Me Now - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Can You Hear Me Now

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Game Description

The year is 2243 and it is almost two hundred years since the war of the world, where almost all life was extinguished from the planet due to the nuclear war started by North Korea and finished by the United States. The warheads that were deployed devastated every continent and everyone that was alive. After the nuclear exchange, fewer than fifty thousand people were left alive. Of those fifty thousand many perished in the following years, but many more began having odd reactions to the nuclear waste that swirled around the globe.

The war started in 2046 and the nukes were deployed in 2050. It took less than four years for the two nations to decide they were willing to destroy the entire world to win the war for their side. But in reality no one won this war. Almost two hundred years later there are still less than a two hundred thousand people alive. Of those people only about twenty thousand of them are human, with the others having mutated into what resembles gnomes, elves, orcs, dwarves, halflings and any combination thereof. And of course there are the darker mutated humans such as lizard folk, kobolds, gnolls, and various other abominations.

Technology has all but ceased to exist and the various races survive by using what the harsh environment offers. There is technology floating about, but much of it doesn’t work or no one understands it any more. There also seems to be an anomaly that has arisen since things have stabilized some after the nuclear fallout of the war. The anomaly can only be described as magic, though it doesn't quite fit the normal sense or what people thought of as magic before the war. This is a harsh, unpredictable force that only some can wield and none can master.

Each new race has branched away from the humans and established territories on their own. Now the world is truly divided by race. But each race that is peaceful has managed to salvage a radio from the old world and stays in contact using the device. The radio is not common knowledge to most people though, rather only used by the mayor of each city. It seems there is electricity though no one really understands why or where it comes from and there has been no real investigation into the matter.

Then one day the radios quit working and the mayors of the cities begin to wonder what is happening. Contact between racial cities is almost completely cut off and contact between cities of the same race is only established by runners sent back and forth. The trade routes are still operational and the small amount of electricity used by other odd devices in each city still work. Now, the mayor of each major racial city is intent on hiring someone to travel to the central meeting zone to determine if others are having the same problem.

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