Tales for Candlekeep - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Tales for Candlekeep

Game Masters

Game Information

Game Description

"Ah, ye want to be an adventurer do ye lad? Aye, I'm sure ye've heard tales of magnificent riches and glory to be had. Have ye heard the tales of sleeping in the mud, days of riding, vicious monsters, road bandits, and gaping painful wounds? Of course, ye haven't heard those! If everyone heard tell of those stories there'd be a hell of a lot less adventurers."

-Lezardan of Cormyr

For the thousands of years the Realms have stood. A testament to the gods who survey it and the hardy folk who walk it. Through the rule of dragons to the Age of Humanity, Faerun has remained a place of excitement, danger, and mystery. Many dark secrets await those who pry into long forgotten tomes and ancient symbols. The martial and the bold brave daring rescues against the evil races, leading the charge in defense of their homelands. Wizards and mages dominate their respective strongholds, their duels and machinations making ill the fate of those around them. Clerics and shamans defend their faiths and uphold their respective tenants with vigor and determination, healing the sick or striking fear into the common folk.

It is in this world that we find a band of friends, a small cadre in the scheme of larger things. For a while now they have dared many dangers, but soon they will be called upon for much more. Will their choices prove themselves beacons of justice, will they blaze the way for death and evil, or will they simply attempt to survive this world.

Many adventures, and treasures, await this band, it is their duty, nay pleasure, to face them...

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