HPE Megacampaign Group 1 - Myth-Weavers Lethe

HPE Megacampaign Group 1

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Game Description

This is the recruitment thread for the 9 module H, P, & E megacampaign. Be warned, you need to be committed to at least 9 years, death not withstanding (kidding, lol).

Setting is 4e Points of Light.

Anybody who has played or own the modules are also welcome, but, please, try not to metagame.

Base needs:

  • Character Builder: Reason: I use the exported data files for my combat tracker.
  • Races: Any except the following: Bladeling, Bugbear, Bullywug, Duergar, Githyanki, Gnoll, Hobgoblin, Orc
  • Classes: Any
  • Sources: Any (Exception: No Unearthed Arcana articles as a source)
  • Feats: Any
  • Backgrounds: Any
  • Themes: Any
  • Alignment: Lawful Good, Good, and Unaligned only
  • Abilities: Standard 22 point buy
  • Normal 1st level starting rules
  • Deities: Points of Light deities only
  • Languages: Points of Light languages only

Other needs:
  • I need 5 players.
  • I need at least one Defender, one Controller, one Leader, and one Striker. The fifth can be any.
  • Must have a class that can use rituals (this is for magic item upgrades later on) or get the ritual feat.

Other rules:
  • No inherent bonuses.
  • No spellscars.
  • Dragonmarks will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Magic Items: The modules have predefined magic items. I will make substitutions/additions as needed.
  • Any magic item can be created through the use of a ritual unless otherwise stated.
  • I may impose special component rules for uncommon and rare items (e.g. a ring of regeneration requires troll blood as a component).
  • 1st level common magic items can be bought anywhere unless the module says otherwise.
  • Higher level common magic items can be bought in large towns (e.g. Fallcrest) and cities.
  • Uncommon magic items can only be bought in cities, and then they must be commissioned to be made with a wait time of 1 day per item level (possibly longer if the seller are out of stock of a special component).
  • Rare items can only be found or created through a ritual and require special components equal to the component cost.
  • Race: Draconians will have problems.

In my variant PoL setting, draconians are almost unheard of. For the most part, they look and sometimes act like demons or devils to the uneducated populace. Draconians can come about in two ways, either by birth or by transformation. Dragonborn can give birth to draconians, but in almost all instances are outright killed as bad omens because it reminds them of the prehistoric savage ancestry when they used to have wings and tails. Draconians can also give birth to dragonborn, but dragonborn born this way are almost always raised as slaves. A dragonborn can be transformed into a draconian by some type of shocking event, usually it takes several events for the transformation to take place. The reverse transformation is impossible without the use of a ritual and the draconian must be willing. (Since draconians are almost unheard of, the ritual to transform them back into dragonborn is even rarer.)

The other problem draconians have is social. Since they look like devils/demons they will be treated as such by the general populace. They will be outright killed at most or a guardsman assigned to watch them at all times at the minimum. A dragonborn coming across a draconian will attempt to kill it at all costs. LG dragonborn will attempt a fair one-on-one duel to the death. Good dragonborn will probably enlist help, but still advertise his presence before attacking. Unaligned dragonborn will use ambush and surprise to his advantage.

House rules: Since I have a problem with ghosts (and others) taking falling damage when falling prone the following house rule is in effect:
If a creature meets all the following conditions it will not fall and take damage (though it still will be floating prone, think of a prone fish in water):
  1. A creature must have no land speed.
  2. A creature must be insubstantial.
  3. A creature must have phasing.

2nd house rule:
If a creature specifically aims to knock a PC unconscious rather than killing the PC (i.e. doing "subdual" damage to the PC), the following is in effect:
The death saving throw is now only used to see if the PC gets a natural 20 to spend a healing surge. The three strikes rule no longer applies.

Other house rules will be discussed and implemented as needed in the OOC thread. Most of those will be one time deals.

Other notes:
  • There will be three threads: OOC, IC, Encounter. (The Encounter thread is limited to me posting.)
  • If a PC is not working out, I will allow one complete makeover per module. Any magic items the old PC has will be transferred to the new PC.
  • I will also sometimes allow or modify something in the sake it be fun or cool.
  • Posting rate will be within 1 day of the previous IC post preferred. I will PM the next player in line after 2 days of the previous IC post. An exception will be made for major holidays. Use the OOC thread to notify me of any absences such as vacations or visiting relatives or sickness. I have a tendency to check the threads several times a day.
  • Players are allowed to create their own thread for strategy and tactics outside of the OOC thread. That way I can be surprised. I promise not to read that thread.

Most interesting PCs so far:
  • Controller: G_Ligeti
  • Defender: DamnGrim
  • Leader: LordManshoon
  • Striker: SeventhCross
  • Wildcard: Mike the Mountain

This recruitment thread will be open for two weeks or until all 5 slots have been filled with interesting characters, the more interesting the better. This means if more than 5 apply, I will choose which is the most interesting. Chosen players will get an invite PM.

Once all PCs has been approved, I will need the Character Builder data file. I will PM you with my email address so you can send me the files.

When posting your submission, include a short description and a short background. Use spoiler blocks to set them off to make the posts less cluttered.

Any questions?

The following examples are what I consider interesting PC: A goliath thief raised as an orphin in a village of halflings (or gnomes). A pixie druid raised in a major city (i.e. think NYC). A deva wizard that was raised as a slave in a community of rakshasa and escaped.

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