In Very Truth Weighed - Myth-Weavers Lethe

In Very Truth Weighed

Game Masters

Game Information
  • Created Oct 21 '13
  • Last Post Nov 28 '16 at 1:49am
  • Status Aborted
  • System World of Darkness

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Game Description

The heart of Osiris has in very truth been weighed, and his Heart-soul has borne testimony on his behalf; his heart has been found right by the trial in the Great Balance.
- The Speech of Thoth, from the Book of the Dead
This has never happened since Irem ruled in the open millennia ago. The Shepherds of the Chamber have called a Grand Conclave in the District of Columbia, the city-state that serves as the throne for the United States and attracts power-hungry mortals like warm honey attracts insects. Of course, power-hungry mortals are an enticing incense to the Deathless and the city is also full of Arisen come to gather their own power. Now these local potentates are hosting Su-Menent from across the globe, and some honored guests from the Nameless Empire's other guilds as well. The mission is to assemble all the available knowledge of Irem together in the easy recording of this age, no longer suffering the fogs of memory that come with sleep in the Underworld. With all of the knowledge and powerful mummies in Washington, it is a wonder that the city isn't positively glowing with Sekhem.

And yet, not all is well in the world of the Arisen. Many of the mummies headed to Washington are newly-awakened themselves and some do not agree with the new way of doing things. Plus there are stories of unrest and chaos from Perth, Detroit, Tokyo... The Grand Conclave of the Su-Menent will be momentous, of that there is no doubt. But whether it will be a moment of triumph or one of doom remains to be seen.

This chronicle will follow the Crucible of Fate arc from the Mummy books, not all of which has been published for now. There will likely be heavy adaptations and frequent interruptions of the published arc, but please don't read the story material in any case.

Number of Players: 4-6

Characters: This is going to be a Mummy: The Curse chronicle, but that doesn't mean we need to have all mummies. I don't want more than half the party to be non-Arisen and I'd prefer more mummies than not but if you have a compelling alternate character then you still have a good chance of getting picked. I've written up some alternate character ideas here.

Tier: Please make starting characters, which includes bonus starting experience for mummies and Sekhem 8. If you are seeming like you're outclassed you might get some bonus dots somewhere but start normally.

Confused about making a mummy character? I have some helpful hints here.

Setting: This campaign is going to start in Washington D.C., though I expect that most people will be traveling from somewhere else in the world to get there. If you are not a mummy character, please pick an Arisen buddy that you are going to be associated with: wherever they are from, that's where you are from too. To help with the ties that bind, I've put together a list of important NPCs here, and it will grow as people give me their own connections.

Arisen Backstories: This is important because it's different from other World of Darkness games. As a mummy, you arise from your slumber desiccated and lacking much of your memory from previous Descents. Arisen characters will be at Memory 3, which means "The Arisen remembers her name, guild, and decree. She knows a little about Irem, but cannot easily distinguish between personal experience and what she learned throughout various arisings. She remembers the Descent previous to the current arising in rough detail, though there are gaps in areas where she operated at Memory 6 or higher." For the purposes of this campaign, this means that you have probably been awake a few weeks or a few months and remember a little of what came before. I will be telling you about your past over the course of the chronicle. This does not apply to non-mummy characters.

Cults: Mummy characters could have their own cults or share a cult with another mummy character (no more than two Arisen for one cult, though, otherwise they get really powerful). You're cult can be based anywhere in the world (same with your tomb) and presumably some of your cultists can travel with you to Washington D.C. For non-mummy characters, you most likely belong to the cult of one of the other PCs or a major NPC who has some reason to "loan you out" to others.

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