WarCraft: Order of the Hourglass - Myth-Weavers Lethe

WarCraft: Order of the Hourglass

Game Masters
Game Information
  • Created Nov 18 '13
  • Last Post Sep 22 '15 at 6:04am
  • Status Complete
  • System Pathfinder 1e

Game Ads

Game Description

SynopsisThe end of the Third War had finally come. The Burning Legion was ousted from the peaks of Mount Hyjal and their presence in Azeroth reduced to a footnote. The Scourge was effectively banished from the Eastern Kingdoms, and the hostilities between the newly formed Horde and Alliance were brought to a low simmer. Peace had prevailed, but at what cost? Lordaeron was now a husk of its former glory, with the undead beginning to sprout back up from their torpid slumber. The Sunwell was corrupted and then destroyed, condemning the high elves and newly named blood elves to a life of scarce survival else join the ranks of the wretched. The gnomes had lost their largest and only home to live as refugees among the dwarves of Ironforge. The night elves were forced to give up their immortality, and yet still a slew of unpleasant facts hit home for the denizens of the world.

The Dragon Aspects on the other hand would see this as merely an event just like any other. The Bronze in particular didn't even blink at the suffering of mortals everywhere. They saw things progressing, as they always would, toward the unchanging end. By decree of the Titans, only Nozdormu had any say to the destiny of Azeroth. It was always questioned, however, since the first war and the coming of the orcs, native to the distant Draenor; if the two worlds were linked in such a way, how could the dragons protect the world from outside influences like the Burning Legion. Even time itself wasn't safe.

The question was answered when a Bronze Watcher, Xarantaur asked one of the dragonflight if he could be allowed to peer into the future. It took some persuasion, but the vision bestowed on the tauren was one of pitch emptiness. The witness was confused. He wondered how far into the days yet to come he'd been allowed to look. The dragon replied, "The next few generations, not long at all... This is unexpected, it seems something has erased the future. I haven't lost my ability, but somehow nothing exists. I must warn the aspects!" he said shortly before taking off.

OOCNow that I've given you some sort of idea as to the look and feel of the story, I'm certain I've either wet your appetites or driven you off completely. Oh well, mainstream media has that effect. But first, I'd like to put up a more personable introduction.

About Me: I've been a gamer for about as long as I can remember, and have been playing the WoW MMO for the better part of 5-6 years now. Unlike a lot of fans who can't seem to stop complaining, I've mostly enjoyed each and every expansion that they've come out with. Naturally on the other hand, my favorite expansion was BC. I consider myself an explorer and my first sight of outland was something I'll never forget.

I've also been PbPing for about the same amount of time. As such I not only tend to type in as much neurotic English and Grammar as I can, but also understand that this is something to do on spare time when one actually has nothing else to do. I don't like talking about work, so don't ask. All you need to know is that it involves lots and lots of patience.

About the Game: This is obviously a Role-Playing game using the Pathfinder system for rules, the World of WarCraft Roleplaying Game for races and fluff, and a base largely in the WarCraft universe. I say "Universe" because a romp through Draenor or an encounter with the Elder Gods, Naaru, or even the Titans, will be very likely (should the game last that long).

About your Application: Please refer to the special rules listed for the ad below as I may put out several casting calls as we gain and lose players. RL happens, and that is all there is to it. For general rules on character creation, refer to the House Rules, Races, and Suggested Class Builds in the Resources Thread Group. They will be updated as needed, so check them as many times as you like if you are uncertain about what to play. Post applications in the proper thread in the main thread group and use this thread for any questions you have.

I don't foresee there are any races out there that will be off limits as far as playability, but then this is as far as common sense goes. If I tell you that a race is not playable, I will tell you and give you a glaring reason why. I'll also follow it up immediately with a suggestion as to what may achieve the same effect that is within the rules. So please understand that I aim for everyone to have fun without anyone having to deal with someone's complete mess of a character that is just as likely to engage in disrespectful conduct as they are to simply vanish off the face of the earth.

Finally, I won't wait for around 20 applicants just to pick 6 and tell the others "good luck next time". Acceptance will be rolling and constantly open long after any of the ad's close. If your character is not complete however, (Name, Description, Personality, Background, Ect.) it will not be accepted. Comments like "Interested" and "This looks like lots of fun" are a great boost to my ego and I should remember to thank you for such kind words, but they are not grounds for me to hit the invite button indiscriminately.

General Synopsis to Character Creation is specific to the ad as above:

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