The Corridor - Myth-Weavers Lethe

The Corridor

Game Masters

Game Information
  • Created Nov 22 '13
  • Last Post Dec 11 '13 at 5:39pm
  • Status Complete
  • System Pathfinder 1e

Game Description

"Sir, I don't know if we can get those reports done by the end of the day. We simply don't have enough information about the-"
"THEN MAKE IT UP! I want those reports by 2:30, EASTERN. Do you understand me Johnson? Quarterly reviews are blah blah blah..."

You tune out your boss' melodrama for a few minutes as you gaze out the window, over the cubicle in front of you. Denver's skyline is a mottled bunch of sharp edges jutting out of low hanging gray clouds today. Being on the 19th floor lets you see the vague outline mountains over Invesco Field, or whatever it's called now. They too look gray, and the lines distinguishing them from each other seem to be blurring more by the moment, slurring together into a mass of ephemeral waves in the sky. It reminds you of a book you read once.

"-JOHNSON! Are you even listening to me?!" Your boss penetrates your thoughts like a halberd. What a weird analogy, you think, as you're about to respond to him with another bland and vague confirmation like, "Yes, sir.", but before you can finish even taking in the air for your lungs to use, the window, the cubicle next to it, the desk in front of you, computer, calender, pencils, your son's fingerpainting, and everything else in front of your feet along the entire building, in the same violent instant, are ripped away, speeding towards some invisible point in the distance. Before you can even register what just happened, you too are sent sprawling through the air, hurtling head over feet, still struggling to get that breath you were trying for not a full moment before. The sky seems to darken slowly, and yet you know you're only flying for a moment, it seems to take an hour before it's fully dark. Your senses dull, that pain in your back disappears, and you forget you even needed that breath.

All sensation is gone, all light, all sound, for what seems a long time. You still are very much aware of yourself though, and so feel like you are not asleep. You try to evaluate what happened, try to remember details. Was there a bomb? Is this another terrorist attack, like 9/11? If so, why attack the Century Link building? Your mind fumbles with its lack of information, and suddenly, sensation leaks back into you. Pain, not the same back pain, but a new, sharp pain, as if you had been struck with something, starts at your shoulder and spreads outward. You feel yourself involuntarily groan, in doing so, your head scratches against dirt and gravel under you. You open your eyes - right at the sun. Blinking and sitting up, you see yourself, and about two dozen other people, laying in the middle of a dirt road which cuts through some grassy hills. This most certainly doesn't look like Denver to you, and it hurts too much to be heaven. Others are coming to the same realisation as you, some of them in very strange garb, others dressed as you are. Many of them, like you, are still holding the remains of an office phone in their hands.

Some words enter your head, as if you heard them, but somehow different. They are voiceless, but... powerful. They simply say, Good Luck.


This game is to be a puzzle game of sorts. The puzzles will often involve having powers, abilities, items, or allies thrust upon you, and you using those things to survive. This game will use Pathfinder rules for the most part, but don't worry too hard about min-maxing and such. Everyone starts as someone from Earth, 2014. People will then be granted classes through various means, which the DM will dish out via story, but basically, your background is what you did on Earth, and your character sheet will be what you hope to acquire from Fate once you're transported to this strange land. What you want to be and what you become may be slightly different, but in general you will get what you ask for.

Specific character limitations:
  • The game will admit each CHARACTER only ONCE.
  • No players will be allowed to play multiple characters at the same time.
  • There is no resurrection or dead-raising.
  • Characters may also not be undead, celestial, demonic, or automotons (that includes things like Warforged from D&D).
  • If you get in, then your character dies, you may re-apply for entry into the game, but you may only have ONE ACTIVE APPLICATION at a time.
  • Characters start at level 1 initially, and later on down the line when we need more people from the originals dying off, that starting level will increase.
  • All new characters will start with any 5 of the following items (these are purposely random): Dagger, Scimitar, Briefcase, Studded Leather Armor, Bastard Sword, Mechanical Pencil with 10 pieces of lead in it, one dozen Roses, Backpack, Chain Shirt, Tower Shield, Small Handgun (stats will be given), Smartphone, Wand (the type will be revealed to you, you do not choose it), Riding Horse that has trained with you for years, Book on any single subject in the real world, Set of 15 Shuriken, Vial of Hydrochloric Acid, Modern Climbing Gear, Renaissance Faire Outfit, Puppy, Heavy Crossbow, Rifle Scope, Comfortable Office Chair, Wizard's Spellbook, Cask of any type of Alcoholic Beverage, Compass, Half-plate Armor, 20 cold-iron Arrows, a stack of 100 dollar bills valued at $20,000 US, Living Steel Buckler, Half Stick of Dynamite without fuse, modern Pickaxe, universal solar cell-phone charger, 8 kg bag of any type of Candy, Mountain Bike, Cold-weather Gear, Yo-yo, Masterwork Shackles, Magazine (keep it clean please), Rare-earth Magnet the size of a fist, or a small, mysterious box which you cannot open.
  • Posting will be expected to be about 6 times a week, or almost every day. Basically, if you miss once in a while, it's not a big deal, but it would be best to be on top of it, because things will likely change quickly, and most situations in which you will be required to post within the day may be deadly. DM posting will also be about once per day.
  • Looking for anywhere from 4 to 10 applicants to join in. If more than 5 applicants are submitted, two evenly distributed groups will be made.
  • Applicants should make a new thread here and name it after their character, or at least something to do with their character. You may post on other people's threads if you have constructive comments, but putting people down or outright discrimination will not be tolerated.

If you have any questions, ask in the game ad. Otherwise, post your applications, along with character sheets, here. :)

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