Hogwarts: In the Marauders' Footsteps - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Hogwarts: In the Marauders' Footsteps

Game Masters
Game Information
  • Created Dec 17 '13
  • Last Post May 8 '14 at 11:48pm
  • Status Aborted
  • System Fate

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Game Description

It's early September 2014 and the Hogwarts school year is slowly easing into its usual routine. The sorting ceremony has taken place, the first few classes have been endured or slept through, depending on the student, and Quidditch try-outs are around the corner. In other words, things are proceeding in the same way they always have since that fateful summer of 1998 when Harry Potter defeated Lord Voldemort and ended his second reign of terror, allowing the wizarding world to recover, rebuild, and eventually prosper once more.

And despite the efforts of its caretaker, Argus Filch, Hogwarts has turned into a decidedly more happy and friendly place. While almost all pupils at the school come from families that were affected by the terror of the dark lord and his death eaters in some way, even the oldest students barely remember it themselves, having been too young to commit anything more than faint impressions to memory.

One could get the impression that Hogwarts would be a compelling place for a world-weary wizard or witch to retire to and pass on their experiences to the new generation. If only there was not that group of Ravenclaw second years, far too bright for their own good, far too inquisitive and curious for anyone's good, and far too mischievous for any veteran of the world out there to find peace and quiet in these hallowed halls...

This is a Fate Accelerated Edition game.
Due to the astounding bad luck that this game has had so far, if you're wanting to apply and you don't mind waiting a few months for the current session to get over, you're welcome to submit an application into my (Timmeh's) pm box. Use the same format as the most recent applications thread. There's no guarantee that you'll be accepted, but if you have a good application, I'll definitely plug you in as soon as there is room and an opportunity.

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