Dreadful Secrets of Candlewick Manor - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Dreadful Secrets of Candlewick Manor

Game Masters
Game Information
  • Created Mar 24 '14
  • Last Post Nov 21 '14 at 9:06am
  • Status Complete
  • System Miscellaneous

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Game Description

This will be an awful, melancholy sort of story about poor, weird little orphans who nobody wants. Nobody wants them because they're different, of course. Different and awful. So very different and awful that not even the biggest-hearted, warmest families that ever came to their orphanages would take them away.

But finally, someone did. A big man in a dark suit and a dark car came to each orphanage and asked for each orphan. And when each orphanage director began to shake his head, the big man gave him a suitcase, and when he saw what was in the suitcase he rubbed his hands together and told each orphan, “This nice man, he will be taking you to a new place for you to live! A huge and very fine house in a valley by the sea, and there you shall have your own rooms, and shall have many other children to play with, and you will be taught many things! Won’t that be splendid? Oh yes, it will!” And that was very true, and very misleading.

But this is not, as you may think, a very nice thing, and unless you are the sort of person who might take pleasure in seeing tragedy and disaster befall poor, weird little orphans who nobody wants again and again... well. You're not that sort of person, are you?

Hmm. Perhaps you are.

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