Heroes United - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Heroes United

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Game Description

New York City. A common place for a super hero story, perhaps, but with its position on the United States eastern coast and its immense population, it's a city that most needs the kind of heroics you can only get from super powered beings. From street crimes to organized criminal gangs to super criminals with death robots, anything and everything can happen, and sometimes the police just aren't enough. Sometimes the CIA isn't enough. Sometimes even the supers already stationed there aren't enough...

With that thought in mind, a small group of fledgling heroes have gathered to stand up for justice and freedom, fighting against the petty thieves and con men in order to draw out the real villains behind every crime spree. With luck, teamwork, and determination, they may yet prevail in bringing down a few big name supervillains and earn their place as true superheroes.

Character Generation Rules:
- Power level 8, 120 power points
- Use the core rulebook only, Mutants and Masterminds Hero's Handbook 3rd Edition
- The setting is meant to be in line with modern comics, so there will be serious moments, but please remember it's a super hero story. We're looking at Green Lantern and Fantastic Four, not Punisher and Ultragrim Batman stories.
- ALL PLAYERS WILL TAKE A TURN AS GM! So have story ideas that don't involve your character in mind for when your turn comes up.
- Loners are fine when it's just one guy. A team of loners is boring. So to prevent something going wrong on that front, please build your character around a team oriented skill set.
- No, you cannot go rouge and be a villain. Unless it's your turn at the story and only if you revert back to being a hero at the end.

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