The Dead and the Weird - Myth-Weavers Lethe

The Dead and the Weird

Game Masters

Game Information
  • Created Apr 16 '14
  • Last Post May 5 '14 at 2:19pm
  • Status Aborted
  • System Dresden Files

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Game Description

I've been a fan of the Deadlands setting for years...just not the system. So I'm going to attempt to hack together Deadlands and the Dresden RPG. This is very experimental, so it's going to be rough, for me, for you, for everyone involved, just a fair warning.

We'll have to set up a number of homebrew rules in order to make things work. Right now I'm thinking that most of the various powers and such from Deadlands will end up being Stunts/Powers in the DFRPG. I'm going to keep the 3 stress tracks, horror and such will just hit the Mental or Physical track, I'm not going to add another track called Wind, seems needlessly complex to me.

On to the pitch:

The West is Weird, really, really weird. In your little town, Hamline, located somewhere in the NE part of Texas, you've been relatively sheltered from the worst of the Weird. Yeah, everyone knows about old Pa Hanson, went off to the War...died, came back and drinks in the saloon all day long, stinkin' up the joint; but what can ya do? Last group that told him to git was loaded in to many, many small boxes and sent back packin' to the City.

However, like all "good" things, your relative oasis can't last, nuthin' ever can in this place. Hamline's in danger, least that's what the people are sayin'. The Railroad wants to come through, don't care bout your little place, and there's other stuff out there, howlin' at the moon, howlin' at the sun, howlin' at who knows what, but people are losin' livestock and kin.

You're it, the last Lawman up and left two months ago, sayin' that he wasn't gettin' backup, and he didn't feel like dyin' out here in the ass end of the town looked for some locals to step up and do his job. That'd be you, until you're dead, then it'll be someone else.


Characters will be created using only Five Aspects, High Concept, Trouble, then Three Story Aspects. Starting Refresh is 6 points, 20 skill points, cap at Great.

I'm still working on Harrowed as characters, so no one starts with them please, if it happens during game play, we'll work with that, just don't want anyone starting.

Renaming Lore to Occult. This will be a primary skill for Hexslingers. Conviction and Discipline will work for Blessed and Shamans respectively.

We're going to add Guts as a skill, and use that to determine your Mental Stress track. Guts will be what you're using when Horrific things pop up, and they will, frequently, since, you know, Deadlands. :)

I'm still working on the Casting aspect for Hexslingers, Blessed aren't too bad, using the various Warrior of God powers, and we're decently good to go, maybe throw in a custom power or two, to allow for better smiting of the undead.

Shamans will work like traditional casters, except that everything will work through spirits, not elements.

I'm figuring that Hexslingers won't have access to Ritual, though I'm open to discussing it...basically all of the casting is open to discussion as we work to figure it out.

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