First Class - Myth-Weavers Lethe

First Class

Game Masters
Game Information

Game Description

What to expect:

This is a mutant-centric X-Men game, with all that that entails. Your characters will be hated and feared because their DNA is a bit wonky. You're going to get kicked in the teeth, a lot. The world is not a nice place. That said, there are still bright points, and with enough determination and luck your actions will make a difference. You may live to see a world where humans and mutants can live in harmony.

You're not superheroes(yet). You're regular people who were just born different. Maybe it manifested last week, or maybe you've been living with it your whole life. Maybe you're one of the lucky ones that still looks human, or maybe you've been skulking in the shadows. Only one thing is certain: you're a mutant, and your life is about to change dramatically.

This is NOT the Marvel universe. Superheroes aren't a thing in this world. SHIELD, the Avengers, the Fantastic Four-none of them exist. Mutants are the only superhumans, and they have only recently come into the public eye. You will be the first incarnation of the X-Men, Xavier's first recruits.

Mutants have existed for thousands of years, but in the last two decades their numbers have skyrocketed. Before it was easy to shrug them off as birth defects or odd medical conditions, but now the genie is out of the bottle. The public is becoming more aware that strange things are happening, and no one is sure how to react just yet.

Character Creation:

PL 8, 120 points using this SRD. Additionally, everyone will receive 3 free ranks in an Expertise skill of their choice to represent their 'day job'. Your sheet can be in any format you want as long as it's easily readable. I personally like this format because everything is laid out in a nice column.

I won't outright ban anything, but please don't be a jerk. If it looks like you're being a cheese I'll just ignore your app.

Feel free to have combat abilities and other stuff you might not have known in your old life. The game will start several months after your arrival at the Xavier Institute, so you would have time to learn new things.

Pictures are not required but will help your chances of getting in. What is required is some personality and a brief background. What does your character do? Where does he/she live? When did your powers manifest? Etc.

I would also like a brief writing sample, either describing when your powers first manifested or when you first met Professor Xavier and were invited to the school.

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