One Piece: Whitebeard's Generation - Myth-Weavers Lethe

One Piece: Whitebeard's Generation

Game Masters
Game Information
  • Created Jun 18 '14
  • Last Post Aug 28 '14 at 6:13pm
  • Status Complete
  • System Miscellaneous

Game Description

"Just like there are those who carry on Roger's will, I'm sure someone will appear to carry on this will, someday. Even if you extinguish his bloodline, there's no way that their flame will ever burn out. It has been passed down since ancient times, and in the future, someone will appear, carrying the history of all those decades on his back, and challenge this whole world to a fight.

All of you in the World Government, you all fear the immense battle engulfing the whole world, that will eventually come.

I don't care myself, but as soon as someone finds that great treasure, the entire world will be turned upside down. And someone will find it. That day will definitely come sooner or later...


The world fell silent as Whitebeard, the World's Strongest Man, spoke those words. It was a challenge for the future, a promise for those who had stopped believing, and a declaration of war for an entire generation. Now, in the wake of the Summit War, thousands more head out to sea, inspired by that man's words. The common people call them Whitebeard's Generation, while the marines and their government simply call them criminals, not dignifying them with any title. But a few of these new pirates have a different name for themselves. Although each has their own reasons, on some level they believe in what Edward Newgate saw, and they know that they are the World's Strongest Generation.

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