Madness on the Horizon - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Madness on the Horizon

Game Masters

Game Information
  • Created Aug 25 '14
  • Last Post Jun 8 '17 at 7:19pm
  • Status Aborted
  • System Pathfinder 1e

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Game Description

Madness on the Horizon
A game based in the lands of Hârn

It is a time of relative peace for the inhabitants of Hârn. While skirmishes between counties still occur from time to time, all out War has been dead for centuries. Humans have conquered all but the furthest reaches of the island and have thoroughly entrenched themselves as the dominant force therein. Elves, Dwarves and Gnomes have vanished into the pages of history and the stories of legend as none have been seen in over 200 years. That doesn't mean they don't exist, just that they've retreated to ancient strongholds that few enter and none return. An occasional Halfling from Lythia may be encountered amongst the trading vessels that frequent the island, but no known colonies of the shorter Human cousins are known to exist on Hârn.

Never-the less, dark things inhabit the shadows still. Creatures from bygone eras that have wisely retreated to their hiding places still gnash and gnaw against the light. It is of these things that a council has been called. Rumors of an illness, possibly a plague, have come from coastal areas in the north west. Whole towns and villages have went silent and all who are sent to investigate never return. Even more troubling, the Gods have went silent. Prayers and Blessings that were everyday occurrences have all but ceased. Speculations run rampant, but no mortal knows what this means. It seems an ill omen for all.

It is in this time, the time of Hârn's greatest need, heroes have been summoned. These individuals have reached the peaks of their professions and are regarded as some of the island's wisest. All hope's rest in their actions and abilities if peace is to remain alive.

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