Immortal Comics - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Immortal Comics

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Game Information

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Game Description

What is this?
This is an experimental (I know that word is frightening, don't run away yet!) Mutants and Masterminds 3e game that hopes to capture the spirit and essence of a completely original, brand new comic book multiverse (Ok, now you can run away). Every character can have their own, individually catered series. The tales that are spun will hopefully and eventually weave together to form a picture of a multiverse similar to ones portrayed by Marvel or DC, but will be entirely of our own design.

How is this achieved?
Well, first I would urge you to take a look at the Rules and Guidelines section to get a better idea of what this is all about. There should be a good bit of information to get you started. You may also ask any questions you might have here or in the Pre-Game OOC thread. Other than that, what I'm looking for is several, good role-players with interesting, original characters to join up for their own solo runs. I find that this will help with pacing, as there is always someone in a group who slows the rest of them down, and weed out who is ready for eventual team-ups and crossovers and who can happily remain in a solo career. Eventually, we may gain more players, lose players, etc. One of my goals is to try and make these transitions as seamless as possible.

What do I do?
Well, you can apply for starters! In the Characters folder there is a Character Template and guide to filling it out. Use that template to post a character to the Applications thread with the Title of "Character Name (Player's Name App)." For example: "King Victory (Tavanesh's App)." I have the Deluxe Edition Handbook, The Supernatural Handbook, The Gadgets Guide, and all of the Power Profiles. If you use anything from any other source but the main handbook then please cite it at the bottom of your application. Submissions will be rolling constantly, and there will be several waves of acceptances. I will also be expanding eventually, should all go well, so you may also apply to be a Co-GM should you wish.

What is the setting?
Modern day Earth. In terms of origins, you guys have creative leave. It could be supernatural, super-science, mutation, technological, pure training, radiation. Get creative. Super-humans are relatively new to the world stage, within the last five years or so, and public opinion is still being sculpted. Organizations are in the process of being founded, don't be afraid to throw out an idea of your own, whether it affects your background or not. This is a new world: we can create our own Eye of Agamotto, our own Justice League, our own Brotherhood of Mutants. Creativity and originality will get you into the game. Of course, it's all been done before, but put your own spin on it. A Captain America powerset can still be interesting if you dress it on a well-made character.

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