Seven Kingdoms - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Seven Kingdoms

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Game Description

Farland is a world that has been conquered by evil. It has been sundered into seven kingdoms, each ruled by an evil lord who personifies one of the seven deadly sins. These beings, called the Seven Deadly Lords or the Lords of Sin, hold the land in a dark grasp. In the conquered kingdoms, the Lords of Sin enslaved the population and made their primary activity in life the glorification of the Dark God Vornoth. Farland is an evil place but take heart, for not all is lost-- light glimmers in the West...

Fall of a Leader - The year is 8170 F.R. and several popular key figures that have held or were in search of the stone of silence have met their fate within the underdark of one of the liberated lands of Kelerak and the free city of Dragonspur City. The mind flayers, have control of the stone of silence and Khazad Dum the Crimson Dark, a Duregar of illreputable repute has been sent to find the stone of silence. Retrieving the stone of silence from the mind flayers, a trade caravan makes way for the city of the Ehlil called Galanodel. Valanduil of House Cirana had forseen his doom at the hands of Coress Balthinal a shadow elf that had turned to the dark conquest and his evil sided nature.

As Yedus Anglarond has a replicate of the Stone of Silence, he has a cursed artifact that can replicate minor powers of the stone and become a beacon for finding the real Stone of Silence but with the fall of Valanduil, Coress has the real stone of silence and remains within the outlaying mountainous regions of the ettercaps, ettins and frost giants. As the trade caravan crosses path with the wizard named Anglarond and his Tower of the Magi, the cursed artifact is evil in nature, If brought together with the good wonderous artifact of silence the effects are unknown.

Cataclysmic Disaster- Kazad Dum the Crimson Dark secretly conspires with Varnain Vairnar within the Tower of the Magi and subverts the Dark Dwarves mind to compulsion and recieves a dark blessing from Garglax the Lord of Envy. Garglax wants Varnain to take the real Stone of Silence to the pool of Tal-Allustiel and destroy the Stone of Silence. Once their the plan unfolds for the Sins of the Covet.

New Organization - Sins of the Covet are a organization or a sin of the kingdom of Kelerak and created in the under dark of the Dragonspur City. A group of Duregar Dwarves, bandits and mercenaries, this group believes in the coveting of the Lord of Envy. The sin created is of an evil and twisted idea, that coveting something by destroying it is simply a idea of chaos and evil.

Discovery - Heroes have discovered that through raiding a group of mind flayers, they have attained an evil cursed artifact which tricks the Lord of Envy to believe that the cursed artifact called the stone of silence is the real one. The cursed artifact is sent through a trade caravan heading west towards the city of the Elves when the evil artifact takes possession of the dark dwarves and makes them insane and completely zealous. The Crimson Dark Clan is led by Kazad Dum the dark dwarf.

Rise of a Leader or an era Tal-Allustiel, Elflord Greater God of the Ehlil has a secret scripture of lost knowledge that has been found within the forests of the High Elves. This High Elf has prophesised the end of Eladrin and High Elves as beings of equality and calls for the Eladrins removal from Ehlil society. As war brims on the brink of a cataclysm, this new rise of a leader of current Elhil Reckoning must be overthrown or else it will cause a great schism in Elven society.

One of the Seven Kingdoms of Nurion and it's ultimate sin is steeped within the domain of the Lord of Envy. The Belendale has been invaded by a emmisary named Varnain Vairnar. Using charm, guile and influence. Vairnar has ensnared the ElvenKing named Barnawe the Wise to bring swift retribution and justice to any suspected Eladrin. Varnain Vairnar a Warlock with a charlatan background has been duped by Garlgax, the Lord of Envy because of the peaceful prosperity the Elves have lived under within the Elhil Reckoning.

Rebellion Not all Elves are sold on this schism of power between the Elves and Eladrin. There are some who still believe in the Elddrins rightful place as cousins in the land of Summervale. As the Rebellion unfolds, Varnain Vairnar secretly conspires to betray the Feywild and the place of fey. The warlock is searching for a meeting of the Dark queen of air. She is the queen of darkness. But the queen will not relenquish hold over her domain and Garglax knowing this will want to invade the Feywild and the Summervale and spread entropy and death to try and cause destruction to the two places. The sins name is betrayal.

New Organization - Sins of Betrayal - Leader Garglax - Puppet Master- Varnain Vairnar. This new organization attempts to betray the elves and eladrin by causing a schism that will eventually divide the people of the Belendale the land of the Elves. Their prospering disposition is a large network of Drow

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