Jadepunk: Kausao Rising - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Jadepunk: Kausao Rising

Game Masters

Game Information
  • Created Jan 23 '15
  • Last Post May 19 '15 at 3:54pm
  • Status Aborted
  • System Fate

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Game Description

"This is not an explanation. This is a statement of intent. The powerful and the mighty live off the blood of the weak. They make plays at justice and righteousness. They sit in their towers growing fat off the lives they destroy. They will not go unavenged. We stand for justice, for righteousness. We are poets and warriors, monks and explorers, healers and engineers. We have seen, and upon seeing, can not look away. Our swords are strong. Our words are sharp. We will not bend. We will not break. We are the Jianghu."
-Copied from the Xia Manifesto

Kausao City. The greatest metropolis in the world, the center of all trade. Where members of all nations live together for the benefit of all, where the wonderful and mysterious jadetech is as common as the air you breathe. Towering skyscrapers touch the clouds, and everyone can find a place for them and prosper. That is, of course, if you believe what the fliers say. In truth, Kausao might be all that, but it is also so much more. Corruption runs rampant, the police are but a force for the wealthiest and tribal gangs and triads rule the undercity. The governor cares only for himself, and if money is power he is the largest of men. Clouds of smoke emitted from the refineries hang around the sky constantly, and fresh water is a luxury that many cannot afford. It is a cruel and dangerous place for the common folk.

But some oppose this. The Jianghu, a loose collection of martial artists, fighters, explorers, monks and other types oppose the governor and his rule. Illegal and often hunted, these freedom fighters believe that even one individual can make a difference. Actions are what matter with the Jianghu, not words, and those who stand for virtue will be taken in by the society.

You are one of them. One of the Jianghu, about the part of much larger events in the world.

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