The Death of Dreams - Myth-Weavers Lethe

The Death of Dreams

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Game Description

An Impassible Sea Brought the Death of Dreams.

Geographically speaking, Padaera is a medium-sized rural world that is slowly but steadily are being consumed by sheep. Thousands of years ago the oceans were affected by an unnatural magical force. It caused any ships that sailed too far from land would lose all capacity for navigation, and then crew would sicken then die. Not to mention the furious storms that seemed to pop up all the time on open water.

So, without transport, trade stopped between continents, as did knowledge, and a drive to learn the unknown. People found themselves getting by with what was available in their area. Life became harder, as people were forced to fend for themselves. Over half of the population died within the first five years. Big cities emptied out as supplies became scarce. Bands of desperate people, stealing from one another added to the death rate. Soon small towns and villages formed, usually by water sources. Over the years a lot of practices were lost to time, and they were lost.

Today, life is still hard. People had developed a toughness about them. They became more primitive, and more used to hard physical labor. However, it came with a cost. The general population lost all interest in gathering knowledge, exploring the unknown, and anything that did not coincide with their life. Most people did not have the capacity to travel.
They lived and died, within 20 miles of where they were born.

Some have been born with the old fires raging in their bellies. There has to be answers out there, and they only have to be found. Piles of treasure are out there waiting to be found….

Are you one of these new folks, or just another sheep?

Character creation:

All characters will start at second level, and can use any class out of the 3.5 Player’s Handbook to start with. The following races are available: Human, half elf, dwarf, elf, and Halfling.

The Ability Scores will be based on a 32 point buy. For those new to this system here is a quick breakdown. (Start every ability score at 8, then from 9 to 15 one point per ability score increase. 16 and 17 cost 2 points each, and 18 will cost four points.) No going over 18 in the buy, and don’t add any racial bonus until afterwards. Also, once you are done, everyone gets an additional point to add on to one of their scores.

Skills- everyone starts off with an additional 2 free skill points to start, and an additional point per level, thereafter. However, certain skills have been forgotten. While others can be used as class skills for everyone to take advantage. Some skills must be taught, while others can be learned naturally.

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