Storms Over Frenekka - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Storms Over Frenekka

Game Masters

Game Information
  • Created May 12 '15
  • Last Post Sep 10 '15 at 10:55pm
  • Status Complete
  • System Pathfinder 1e

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Game Description

Far from the Vrightian empire's iron fist or Selvia's trade kingdom, the Spear Coast of Atmore lies as the farthest western hub of freedom. No king can claim lordship over the lands of Atmore, but indeed many try. Here, in this bustling haven of piracy, free enterprise, slavery and discovery, is where we find our next set of adventures from the realm of Faren.

The principality of Kavendarsh is a small one, settled up neatly along the inlet of Caylen's Drop, where it houses the largest academy town in the west. Here, in Targaeth, the greatest magical innovations are made on a weekly basis. Here, among the crystalline halls of the Bard's College, are masterpieces wrought every hour, and praises to Shelyn sung from the rafters. Here, elite scouts and thieves are trained how to be more than a simple rogue, but to blend magic and art into their work, becoming true sculptors of fear and shadow.

Here, also, is where you have grown up. From a young age, you knew the streets and wharves of Targaeth. You learned secrets, made discoveries, and found things you probably shouldn't have - but all of that has made you incredibly tough, versatile, and skilled. In Targaeth, maybe more-so than even in the Northern Wastes of Vrightia or the deserts of Nupron, survival of the fittest rules, and you have grown fit indeed. Now, however, you first true test of mettle comes to you in the form of a job offer...

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First off, I need to confess. The other two games I'm currently running on Mythweavers take place in the same universe as this one - but I've never let that be known until now. In addition, all of these campaigns take place at the same time period, a fact which remains unknown to the players of the other two campaigns (for now). That said, this will be the third and final campaign to be run in this world on Mythweavers, being the high-level start and high-magic adventure.

You will begin in the town of Targaeth, which is part of the Kavendarsh principality. Atmore, as a country, is a lot like Inquisition era Spain or city-state Greece - it consists of a lot of smaller "kingdoms" or mini-countries that act together as a whole, but remain independent. These principalities often pool money or resources in times of war or disaster, and there's a long amalgam of truces and agreements that keep them off one another's backs. Right now, Kavendarsh is at a point where it isn't involved in any conflicts, and the economy is on the upswing, so the Academy of Higher Learning and Magical Education in Targaeth has decided to set sail for an island spoken of in rumors and ancient texts:


You will be accompanying the vessel that sails to the island. Because this campaign is essentially an adventure path, there will be a tiny bit of railroading on my part, simply because I have to keep the group moving in the general direction of the plot. The nice part is, I can bend the adventure to suit the party, which is something that really isn't feasible in a Paizo AP (not dissing them, all respect to their amazing work).

Now, without bumming everybody out with a ton of filler stuff, let me give you the rundown of the character build rules and the sorts of Player-characters I'm looking for.

*Character start will be level 9.
*You will begin with 75,000 gold to spend. This is higher than average for a 9th level character, but is also purposeful.
*You will start with a free 18 in one stat and a free 8 in another. Outside of that, you roll four sets of 4d6, rerolling any result below 10.
*Characters will take max health at each level.
*All material on the PRD is available - no Unchained yet, and no Technology Guide material. All classes are available to play besides.
*This has the potential to end up as a mythic campaign. If that's not something you're interested in, still apply! Just let me know in your application whether or not you're down with that.
*Crafting rules may be used prior to the adventure to make that hefty gold sum go farther.

Disclaimer: This campaign is going to end up on Frenekka, which is a tropical island and therefore more dangerous than your average everyday island. Think of the Brazilian rainforest and the Australian outback having a feral, gnashing child with wings. Excuse me, I involuntarily shuddered...

More details on the setting will be given in the application forum, and especially to those who are accepted. There will be a period before you set sail where you are still in the city, having just accepted the job, and have some time to make whatever prior checks you would like. I would never be so mean as to set you on a ship without first letting you make a precious Know (nature) check to evaluate the weather ;)

More details will be forthcoming, so look to the forums for my guiding words. Have fun designing this character, and thanks in advance for applying, everybody!

Questions? Comments? Outrage? PM me and I'll answer your queries or hatemail.

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