The Red Witch of the Moors - Myth-Weavers Lethe

The Red Witch of the Moors

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Game Description

It has been a hundred years of peace. A hundred years since the First King of Draenleth, Heredoth the First, defeated the Giant Lords and their armies that plagued the land, bringing civilization to the people who lived as thralls to the giants.

It seems that this peace is about to be shattered. Crops have yielded poorly this year, and there are fears of a looming famine. Tremors have begun to shake the land and fill the Draenle with fear. The giants, ogres and trolls, thought to have been eliminated by Heredoth's campaigns, have started to surface again. There are rumours that small bands of these monstrous humanoids, coming form the Eastern Moors, have started attacking and pillaging villages. Rumours also speak of a terrifying Red Witch, wielding powers no man has ever wielded, which has been seen among the monsters, leading them.

Will you rise up and protect your homeland against the horror that threaten it?

This campaign will take place in a low-magic setting with many elements severely home-brewed. It will also include several experimental elements related strictly to PbP, trying to address some of the common pitfalls of this type of game. Take a look at the house rules for details. This is a story driven campaign, and characters will be invited to make their own choices as events unfold, and alter their course. I am looking for players who are interested in being part of the story but also to add elements of their own, as the world is only broadly developed. Players are requested to add plot hooks and motivations in their submissions, so they can be woven into the story.

The game setting is a harsh land populated by peoples which are inspired by bulgarian-slavic customs and traditions who have recently been freed (or colonized) by a more western european-ish culture from the thrall of the terrible giant lords.

Themes that will be explored in this game are faith and colonization, family ties, etc. Depending on the characters and their choices, the game will include combat, intrigue, and mystery. It will start relatively conventional and simple, and will grow over time in complexity and depth. Expect the obvious plot twists, and hopefully the slightly less obvious ones.

All details on character creation and applications can be found on the game forum.

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