Immortal the Invisible War - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Immortal the Invisible War

Game Masters

Game Information
  • Created Sep 4 '15
  • Last Post Dec 24 '15 at 1:20pm
  • Status Aborted
  • System Miscellaneous

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Game Description

You have always known you were different.

You have heard it all before.

"You're special"

"You have an old soul"

"There is just something different about you."

So many times that it's lost meaning. You try to make close friends, best friends, but no one really understands. Anything else you really TRY to do, you excel at, at least until you get bored and move on to something else. You always intuit what others struggle to understand. You wonder why people don't get it, don't understand. The only place where you truly feel challenged is in your mind. You love role-playing because it lets you be anyone, anything.

They don't understand because you ARE different. You ARE special.

You are immortal.

You have done all of this countless times before. You intuit and understand things because you have mastered them hundreds of times before. You get bored so easily because you aren't challenged, because it's all so familiar. You just erased your memories because you wanted a fresh start. There's nothing quite as exhilarating as that first discovery, the first home run, your first kiss, your first kill... your first death. You love role-playing not because you imagine yourself there, but because you REMEMBER yourself there.

But it's time to start to truly remember what you are. It's time for you to return to your kind, the Immortals. The Himsati Race. The world of the mortals is little more than illusion, and great strife within the Himsati power structures reflects in the world of the mortals. War, famine, class and racial hatred. The pawns move closer and closer to total destruction while their Himsati masters play a game just to counter their boredom.

Will you join in the Himsati games, and forsake humanity? Will you try to change the game, to save Earth?

Does it even matter?


This is a system that was so small in it's print run, it may as well be homebrew. But it is a wonderful system. Sadly, I can't link any .pdfs, they don't exist. You probably can't buy the books, they are rare. I only have 4, and they do little more than provide the skeletal structure of the system and then flesh out the primary lore and mechanics. Players would HAVE to be role-play focused, and NOT roll-play focused, as you will be almost entirely dependent upon me for the mechanics.

Realizing this constraint, I am assuming that this will generate little attention. But if you are interested, keep reading.

The basic character in Immortal starts out human, and through play, advances to a heroic status (Think greek hero/X-man) almost instantly. After a story arc, which would likely last a few months, maybe as much as a year, the same character would be firmly in the mythic/godlike status (angels/demons, minor deity figures, etc.)
After three or four arcs, they would be likely be a modern pantheon, like the greek gods, the norse gods, etc. If we went even further, it would likely expand outside earth and start to be gods over entire planets/systems, etc. Galactic influence.

Therefore, folks who apply and are accepted here would be playing a version of themselves. Please note that I do not care if you actually stat yourself, or share personal details, but your character will be a human. Likely with one or two good stats, two or three average ones, and one or two poor ones. We would start play at San Diego Comic Con, and quickly shift to a global setting. Play would actually begin with no statistics. As we encountered a situation where stats or a roll were required, I'd ask you to honestly consider where you would be on a scale of one to five, one being a cripple or blind person, and five being an olympic athlete or Michaelangelo DaVinci. As you discover the game setting, you would discover the rules. One of the key elements of this game is discovery, of self, of others, of the 'natural' order of things.

SO, what I am looking for in an application is more like a psych exam, or one of those goofy "who are you" quizzes. and consists of the following questions. Please provide a few paragraphs about yourself (or an alter ego, if you don't want to get personal) and then answer the following questions. If response is huge then I might have to limit the group and pick the ones that I feel would work best in the system/setting, but I don't anticipate that. I'd likely cut it off at 8.

So, here's the questions:

Describe your perfect room, more details is better, describe form, function, gadgets, whatever.

What animal, if any, do you feel the most affinity for? If you can't think of an animal, is there something else that calls to you, like geodes or the ocean or a certain tree or something like that.

Why do we have/need/want conflict? Is it even possible to live in a world without war?

Could you, in all honesty, murder someone? Assume that the actual deed would be trivial, I'm asking about convictions. What would you have to know about the person, if anything?

Is it better to be completely lawful, or completely true to one's self and own conscience, ignoring and even intentionally breaking 'bad' laws? What would happen if everyone were completely lawful, or everyone just "true to themselves"? Does the group answer change your mind?

Are you interested in mythology? If so, do you have a preferred pantheon, such as Greek, Egyptian, Babylonian, Chinese, Norse, native American, Indian (I can go on, but I'm sure you get the idea) Who within that pantheon would be your favorite? Who would be the one you hated? Why?

What traits in people and yourself do you despise? What traits do you admire in others and yourself?

Is there an era of history you wish you could have been a part of? Why, and what would you have been doing during that time?

Is there an era of warfare you prefer, even if modern? Tribal, feudal, trench, etc. (ex: I prefer the feudal because knights were supposed to be the paragons of virtue, and because if you were going to kill a man, you had to look in his eyes first.)

What genre of stories do you prefer? Fantastic, futuristic, mystery, historical, etc.

In other game systems, which class or role do you prefer/gravitate towards. (there isn't really a 'class' system in this game, and this won't affect your character beyond what abilities I might recommend or make available early on. Think Elder Scrolls, everyone can do anything.)

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