Broken Lords - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Broken Lords

Game Masters
Game Information
  • Created Oct 15 '15
  • Last Post Feb 25 '16 at 4:23am
  • Status Aborted
  • System Pathfinder 1e

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Game Description

Broken Lords
System: Pathfinder
Setting: ????
Members Requested: 3

Worlds always come to an end. Sometimes, the heroes just aren’t quite on par with the challenge. Sometimes, the gods step in before the terrestrial troubles threaten their divine thrones. And sometimes, the world simply dies from eons upon eons of existence. Whatever the case, your world has reached the very last moments of its existence with no hope of recovering.
Yet, why should you perish with the world? There are ways of escaping, after all. As the energies of Chaos reclaim the island of Order that was your world, you and your comrades hastily gather what is needed and, assembling in the center of the fortress that you built together, you open a portal blindly into the far reaches of reality. One last shot, one final chance. Your minions gather around you, lending what aid they can and desperately praying if they have none to offer.
But then…success! The portal opens, swallowing you, your comrades, fortress, and underlings all at once. In a flash that rivals ten thousand suns, you are free! Diminished somewhat in power, perhaps, but that is a small price to pay for your lives.
Within hours, scouting parties go out and return. You have landed on an unknown world, an alien world. A world where your great names have not yet even entered the wildest fever-dreams of kings or peasants. For now, the fortress is secure, but this Terra Nova is a strange place. Men of sorts live here, and other besides, but that is all you know of it.
It is time, my lord, to explore a new land. Make your name great once more. Rise from the ashes of your home and carve your will, for good or evil, onto the face of the new.
Welcome to the End…and what comes after.

Game Description:
Welcome, friends and fellow gamers, to something you may have seen done before, but I certainly haven’t. In this game, you and two others will form a group application for the roles of the Broken Lords. Now, that does not have to be what you call yourselves, but that is more than likely what you will be known as. This will be a fairly high-level campaign, so everyone will start off at Level 12 with average gold for that level plus one special thing that you will create and I will approve.
Now, as for particulars of character creation…look no farther than just below this sentence!

Character Level: 12
Races: All official Paizo Races are allowed, all others should be run-by me first, though I am open to them. I just know the Paizo ones very well.
Classes: Spellcaster classes are encouraged, though not required. Being at least a half-caster is also encouraged, though I will not limit creativity. I’d say that at least two members of each group should be able to cast spells, if not all members.
Ability Scores: 25 Point-Buy, please. There’s a reason you guys were at the top.
Full Hit Points from the first five levels, but roll for the remainder or take average.
One trait, please. If you want one more, take a Drawback. Don’t take more than one extra trait that way though.

Also, I’d like to know a bit about you! So if you wouldn’t mind answering a few questions when you apply, that would be wonderful.

What makes you want to play in this game? (Besides the fact that it is, in fact, a game.)
•How much time, thought, and energy will you put into the game? (No seriously, this one is important. Please answer honestly.)
•What type of role playing games do you enjoy the most? (So I can better tailor for your experience!)

And that’s about it! Hope to see you all soon! There will be a Q&A as soon as I get that set up (shouldn’t take long) so feel free to post any questions you have over there!

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