CORELINE: GRAVITY FALLS D20 Modern - Myth-Weavers Lethe


Game Masters

Game Information
  • Created Nov 8 '15
  • Last Post Oct 11 '16 at 7:36am
  • Status Aborted
  • System D20 Modern

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Game Description

''It has been ten years since the end of the world as we knew it. A world-wide Internet infection by an unusual type of virus (called CLULESS) was the trigger. Reality was torn to bits, never to come back fully to normal.

90% of mankind vanished without a trace for 23 hours. The things we believed to be Fictional appeared in their stead. The battles that followed devastated the world.

And once the 23 hours ended, mankind came back, adapted to this new world, willing to embrace the Fictions with open arms... something that many of those who survived the "23 Hours of Madness" are not willing to accept, nor take lying down.

This is an Era of Badass. The Tropes mold your destiny. Out in the open and within the shadows, it is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny-Good versus Evil, Real versus Fiction, Canon versus Non-Canon, Rationality versus the Rule Of Cool, the final victor still undetermined.

No place is "safe", only "safer". And outside of it, there is a Multiverse and one timeline-the CORE timeLINE, "Coreline", "C-Line" or "The Line" for short-slowly going crazier.

We bid you welcome. Leave your sanity at the door. And for what's worth, enjoy your stay.''

After a long (and I will admit, a very long) time since I played a game on this place, I decided to start up again.

So it would involve the "Coreline" crossover setting, a mega-crossover where a reality-bending computer virus infected the whole of the Internet and turned Earth (to not mention the rest of the universe surrounding it) into a brutal combination between "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" and the 2015 "Secret Wars" event. It has been a long time, several years, since The Vanishing happened and people have done their best to rebuild and live as normal a life as is possible in such a collection of crazy, but threats are not unusual at all to come out of the woodwork...

...which is why, in the end, Heroes are needed. SOMEONE needs to take out the trash...


This campaign would occur around (or at least would start) on the town of Gravity Falls, Oregon-which is every bit as weird as you could probably expect if you have seen the series so far, with the extra crazy that comes from things like the Slender Man wandering through the woods at night. The fact that people now expect it to be weird because they've seen the show still leaves them open to many surprises.

This campaign would allow you to play as both "original" characters or even characters from other shows (with some modification considering the setting). Post-apocalyptic drifter wandering knight-type looking for a place to sleep that got in over his head? Sure, go ahead-plenty of those around. You wanna play as an Alternate "Dipper" Pines (real name being whichever you want-Alternate Universe version of the guy and all, of which there are legion on this world) that has grown up to be a "Supernatural"/"WOD"-style Hunter of monsters (or member of the BPRD)? You can do that. You wanna be a security guard that took a crash course in kicking supernatural butt from Stanford Pines? Ok, that's cool. You wanna be a mafioso that has settled on Gravity Falls to handle the Oregon rackets on behalf of "Gentleman" Marcone, and you accepted because you think it's a hell of a lot easier (on your nerves, to not mention difficulty) than dealing with Harry Dresden over on Chicago? Why not? Or a Yautja that came to the Falls to earn his honor by kicking the rear end out of exotic creatures? Heck, doesn't sounds like a bad idea...


OK... so going to the important stuff:

-SYSTEM: D20 Modern (all "Expansion" books (D20 Future, D20 Past, D20 Cyberscape, Urban Arcana, Weapons Locker, Menace Manual, D20 Apocalypse), home-brew and other books (like "Dawning Star") allowed).
-PLAYERS: Looking for a group of 4 to 5.
-CHARACTER LEVEL: CL10, (36-Point Buy).
-HOUSE RULES: Among others, this setting has the Feat "Shot On The Run" "always on". That means that all characters are assumed to have the Feat "Shot On The Run" and Feats that have "Shot On The Run" as a requirement are assumed to not need it anymore (this meaning that character creation software may force you to buy "Shot On The Run" to purchase a Feat, but assume that this is a "free" Feat instead).

There is a collection of D20 stuff created for the game setting (as well as setting info) on this thread:

-Roleplaying, not roll-playing. Furthermore, will not enforce people to post, like, once a day, but will still ask for a consistency in posting (RL has a bad habit of giving me blind sidings without warning. I promise to post as often as it will allow me-ATM at the very latest every two days).

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