Precipice of Destiny - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Precipice of Destiny

Game Masters

Game Information
  • Created Nov 13 '15
  • Last Post Apr 24 '16 at 7:08am
  • Status Aborted
  • System Dark Heresy

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Game Description

817.M41 Titan , Feast of the Emperor's Ascension

Prognosticar Vunn bolted straight up from his meditation. Etheral fires poured forth from his mouth, eyes and nose. The hexagramic runes tattooed over his body as the vision flooded his body.

The vision rocked him body, snapping ribs as his body contracts. The pain does not register as the vision fills his mind.


He fell on the floor in a heap, the gifts given to him by the Emperor already healing the damage done. He waved away his attending servitor as he reached out to his lord, Grandmaster Cromm.

"My lord, summon the Fourth, summon the Masters. The Emperor has given the final sign as foretold."

Hi all. I'm BlackPanther. Welcome to my Grey Knights game.

This will be a game of Deamonhunters using the Deathwatch rules as the base.

I a looking for 4-6 players with 1 player able to play both a dreadnought and a throne agent if so desire.

To create your character, submit and app and please click the link.

So Ill talk a bit more about the game here.

So I have four broad game goals.

1. For this to be fun. It has to be said, I want this fun for all of us. So if there is a ruling you disagree with or a question please voice it. Just add some supporting info with it. I like to make these kind of decisions quickly. If its a one off, no big but if this will affect all then I want to make sure its in the evolving rules area so everyone can see clearly.

2. Lore-I enjoy the lore of the universe and plan to use a lot of it and terms. Where possible, I plan on explaining the terms as we go like

explanation will be here or even a link if possible
this. So if possible, use the lingo that pc's would. History is a part of this. With the exception of the founding chapters, the Grey Knights have the best handle of what has happened in the past with the Inquisition being a close 3rd. Mostly because the Inquisition will lock lore from themselves to the highest levels. Throne agents are getting glimpses with the Ascended knowing more than them but far less than an Inquisitor.
Please keep that in mind.

3. Politics/moral choices. I hope to have this come up where I can. It goes along with lore but will speak to your pc's. It can be hard to pull off in a game sometimes, as those with experience know.

4. Violence. Its 40k, where would we be without the crash of bolters. Its a violent game, so use that when you describe things. Also, im not going to be pulling any real punches and this will only ramp up. So when it happens, either by you choosing this path or it being chosen for you, expect it to be kinetic. My goal is for you to have that feeling of power at times or to feel that knifes edge. I cant wait, as the GM, to see how you confound me, how you can save the day and at what cost.

Update-Nov 17, 2015
The following has been accepted:

Mythrantar-Brother Hellin of the Grey Knights
Dramacydle- Brother Dalhal'Qui of the Grey Knights
Miss- Sister Mallcious, Throne Agent of His Most Holy Inquisition
Althrion-Ghani Behn, Throne Agent of His Most Holy Inquisition

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