Smog and Mirrors : Cthulhu By Gaslight - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Smog and Mirrors : Cthulhu By Gaslight

Game Masters

Game Information
  • Created Dec 30 '15
  • Last Post Feb 6 '16 at 8:29pm
  • Status Complete
  • System Call of Cthulhu

Game Description

..and there, lurking just beyond the pool of light, the tendrils of the fog take on an evil life of their own, to wreak the foul biddings of the Old Ones..
-The Revelations of Glaaki

The Victorian Age was a bright time for the British Empire, which reached its zenith during the 1890s. But for all the light shed by the coming of the new-fangled electric illumination that slowly replaced the gaslights of the earlier Victorian years, there was still darkness afoot - especially in the obscurest corners of London, hub of the Empire. Here, in the dark pools of shadow lurking just beyond the gaslight, evil hid, and grew, and made its nefarious plans.

In this London stalked, in both fact and fiction, such creatures as Jack the Ripper, Count Dracula, Sweeney Todd and Mr. Hyde, and where magical societies such as the Golden Dawn practiced hermetic rituals. Who can know for certain what other, more horrible entities shared the dim recesses of the great city with them. How naive to assume that the dread minions and dark worshippers of Great Cthulhu, Y'golonac, Nyartholep and other cosmic blasphemies had not carved out accursed niches in the narrow alleyways, slimey sewers and basements and hidden back rooms of 1890s London!

And such was the case. During those years many of the horrors now plaguing the world first gained tenuous sway in our reality, to fester and multiply into the fullness of foul and unnatural life - and to gradually rot from within the once noble empire of Britain. Had mankind only been more vigilant during those fateful years...
Professor Laban Shrewsbury, Cthulhu Among the Victorians, Miskatonic University Press, Arkham, Massachusettes, 1929

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