Hell's Vengeance - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Hell's Vengeance

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Game Description

Take one of those old paintings. A village, more a scattering of houses, really, timber framing wattle and daub with jettied second stories to keep the streets nice and wide, shingles, thatch or baked clay tiles letting you know just how much gold the residents have in their pocketbooks. Take that painting, and pull everything you see out of it, from the buildings to the clean-dressed folksy residents and the lines of crops off growing in the distance. Place what you've got in the middle of the sleepiest corner of dirt in Cheliax, all rolling green hills without another village that size for half a hundred miles if not further. Name it Longacre, and give it the unique privilege of being the town where Cheliax sends its dusty old soldiers to live a good life, retire and fade...

But see, if you want that good life, you gotta toe the line. And that line's drawn by Abrogail Thrune, the second of her name, the Infernal Majestrix of Cheliax. A woman not too keen to suffer the existence of men and women who don't toe that line, not when they live on Chelish clay, breath in that sweet Chelish air. You happen to agree. You're a thrice-damned patriot, just like all red blooded sons and daughters of a Chelish mother, and in your opinion, the Milanite traitors out of Kintargo, the so-called "Glorious Reclamation", and every last agent provocateur Andoran sneaks past the border can go **** themselves with a rusty knife. Even if Cheliax is in "decline" her only peer in all the world is Kelesh.

It's the backs of patriots like yourself that Cheliax became what it is today, from the ashes of the civil war.

It'll only be with the blood of Chelish patriots that she'll remain as steadfast and beautiful as she is today.

Which is why you'll now take action. It'll start small - it always does - tonight, a tax dodger. Cimri Staelish, a wisp of a girl what's so damned small you'd half mistake her for a slip, round you good patriots up to give you a job offer from her employer. Respectable Ol'Louslik turns out isn't all that respectable, for he hasn't been paying the landsman's tax for the land his Tannery sits on - and what's worse, it's suspected that the gold he owes has been quietly sent off to the Glorious Reclamation.

As men and women who love your Queen and Country, it's your solemn duty to make sure that Ol'Louslik is taught his lesson, else wise other sympathizers to the subversive elements might get it in their head to be more open to the villains who would seek to lay your great nation low. That the man who put you to this task, Razelgo, is paying you all a handsome sum of 100gp for the job, well that there's just icing on the cake.

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