Eberron With Giant Robots 00 - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Eberron With Giant Robots 00

Game Masters

Game Information

Game Description

Spun off from Magnus Samma's brilliant original, Eberron With Giant Robots 00 is the story of a group of soldiers for hire armed with the latest in arcane technology - the Mobile Suit, giant piloted constructs that definitely haven't been lifted straight from various Japanese cartoons and video games - and their fight against mysterious invaders and other threats to civilized life as we know it.

This game is for the players of Eberron With Giant Robots 00 on www.giantitp.com. The forums there have become too unreliable to use, so this will be our new home.It's Eberron, but WITH GIANT ROBOTS. More seriously, and forgive the length, but this is my original settingpitch copy-pasted in its entirety.

Longer versionThe year is 1001 YK. The first Auto-Mobile Suit of Armor ("Mobile Suit" for short) was created as a joint effort between Cannith South and the workshops of Trolanport in 998 YK. Production rights to this device, which promised to exponentially increase the combat potential of a single soldier, were quickly sold to Breland, who dubbed it the "BRE-001 Spirit". However, Cannith quickly developed and produced new models for sale to the other major powers of Khorvaire, who bought them up in ever-increasing numbers in a new post-Last War arms race. By late 999 YK, the Four Nations (Breland, Thrane, Aundair, and Karrnath) had deployed several hundred Mobile Suits each, each one with an estimated combat strength of an entire brigade of heavy cavalry. The other major powers of Khorvaire lacked the finances or the legal rights to produce Mobile Suits in meaningful numbers, but nonetheless deployed a few of their own. Meanwhile, Merrix d'Cannith had, in an impressive feat for a man generally considered a lab rat, parlayed the massive windfall for his faction into an economic and political coup of House Cannith, becoming the Baron of an unite House Cannith in late 999.

This massive increase in armament boded poorly for the future of Khorvaire, as it compared in no small way to the armament ordered by King Jarot just prior to the Last War. However, the continent was saved from the seemingly-inevitable internecine warfare...by the invasion of an outside army. Now, Khorvaire is no stranger to hostile forces assaulting it (although it's been a few millenia since it was invaded by a group larger than a couple-dozen Fernian demons on vacation), but these Invaders were something different. Appearing in portals of light and disappearing just as quickly, strange creatures would arrive at a random place on the continent, no pattern or intent discernible, and begin attacking every living thing within easy reach until they were satisfied that no one was left alive, then settling down to hold their position against any attempt to retake it by the local government. Incidents like this have been happening for the last year, sometimes more than once a day (in entirely different parts of Khorvaire), sometimes with a gap of weeks in between...or so everyone thinks. It's possible that, on the off-days, the Invaders are off attacking empty wilderness, or some out-of-the-way hamlet that never manages to get word out.

There are many strange things about these Invaders, such as the fact that, though in any given attack they move with the efficiency and tactics of professional soldiers, they are universally made up of a mix of seemingly-random unintelligent monsters - dire animals, giant vermin, and various more exotic nonsapient creatures - interspersed with unfamiliar constructs, which have been verified by numerous mages to be living constructs also of animal-level intelligence. No one knows who or what is coordinating these beasts, but whoever it is is doing so in the interest of killing the residents of Khorvaire, regardless of species, nationality, or combatant status. It's also notable that, while a few extraplanar creatures are occasionally found assisting these Invaders, the vast majority of the monsters that invade appear to originate from Eberron, meaning they are being transported from somewhere on the Material Plane. Demons or creatures of nightmare would be somewhat less confusing in this world...

In light of these random and difficult-to-stop acts of violence throughout Khorvaire, the major powers have - reluctantly - begun to cooperate in responding to them and protecting their people. Every signatory to the Treaty of Thronehold, as well as the Dragonmarked Houses, has agreed to assist each other military in mitigating these incursions (though most of them are still far from liking or trusting each other in any other capacity). And the best way to respond to attacks underway, it seems, is with the mobility and compact firepower afforded by Mobile Suits. Thus, the various powers of Khorvaire have recruited (through various and sundry means) the best soldiers and adventurers they could find, trained them, and put them in Mobile Suits to fight the menace of the Invaders.

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