Unstuck - Myth-Weavers Lethe


Game Masters

Game Information
  • Created Jun 27 '09
  • Last Post Sep 5 '09 at 9:37pm
  • Status Complete
  • System Mage

Game Description

Time: Present.
Place: Boston, Mass, and the environs of the American Northeast.

A blurb!Boston is dominated by a cabal called the Ebon Noose, which holds court out of Salmen rather than Boston proper. It is an incredibly old group dominated by mages who follow the "pagan" Thyrsus and Acanthus Paths. Its leader, the Nemean, is the Hierarch of Boston. His Provost is a Christian Obrimos named Chain Paris, who is head of the White Putnams, another unusually old cabal. The Nemean's enforcer is the Sentinel Anacaona de Xaragua. Other local cabals have varying degrees of influence on the Consilium; the recently formed Shadow Chorus is one of them. The Nemean is reputed to be a somewhat lazy Hierarch, but given to menacing troublesome constituents.
Apart from the Consilium, the Dead Wrens is the most prominent of a group of independent cabals. The Wrens manage the Emerald Scroll, where mages meet to socialize and bargain. The Seers of the Throne treat Harvard as their own domain. Other cabals and supernatural entities call Boston home as well, and provide a steady stream of rumors and hazards for unwary mages.

Ah, Boston. One of the most storied and mysterious cities in the country. Full of history and the esoteric, Massachusetts shall be where the lot of you call home. Maybe you're a college kid. Maybe you're a townie. Regardless, know this: Boston is expensive as hell. As hell. So you, like most of the younger cabals in the area, are joined in the unholy matrimony that is roommate-hood.

Details of relationships, masters, where exactly you live, college, etc, will be worked out. In the meantime...here we go.

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