The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Myth-Weavers Lethe

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Game Masters

Game Information
  • Created Jan 10 '10
  • Last Post Mar 4 '10 at 7:59pm
  • Status Aborted
  • System GURPS

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Game Description

The government of Canada sat around the Maple wood table that signified the identity of the country. The Prime Minister of the country sat at the head of the cabinet - the conservative party was currently in power, it appeared not for long. All of the ministers had the long-drawn look on their face of being awake for over 24 hours. They had in fact all been awake (save for, ironically, the Minister of Defence) for over 48 hours. The reason was the sudden collision of two realities. Had it not been however, to the chagrin of each member present, for the eccentricity of the Canadian populace then they would all be wrapped up in bed.

Two realities colliding is one of the rarest events to ever have occurred. In fact it has only ever happened once, mainly due to a large magical disturbance and strong electrical field happening on exactly the same spot in two different realities. Exactly the same spot, to within an exactness not ever seen before. It was so precise that it could have only occurred by chance - which of course it was.

At approximately 12.45AM on the 7th June, 2010 a 'Dr Harris Lisengay' (New Scientist for the Defence Sector) was working out a new way to send a bullet flying through a barrel of a gun. Recent advances in this area included caseless ammunition lit by electricity. However, why not charge the bullet and repel it from a like charge in the barrel? As with many previous experiments in weaponry, he decided to test it on a cannon first. A 95mm cannon. All last night his team had worked on converting the cannon. He was given the honorary task of firing it. Three. Two. One.

At approximately forty-five minutes past five in the morning on the Forty-first of Grunemoon in the Year of 4017, a 'PoM Freightic Lasindale' (Professor of Magic) was in battle with seventeen wers, currently surrounding him on all sides. After making a shield strong enough to hold them out he decided that a shield in the Revigulan tundra was not very homely and so he decided that he ought to probably kill them. Gathering the last reserves of his strength (which was still considerable) he was ready to finally make an arcane ball. Three. Two. One.

Two worlds with the same amount of power in the same spot collided with each other for only a second, enough for one scientist to suddenly see 17 wers around him and for a wizard to suddenly see 17 confused scientists appear around him. All around both worlds the alteration of physical laws began to take place. Including several film props coming to life, several fossils regaining their skin and blood, and several beings from both worlds switching places. Magic became available in one world, while in the other the imagination to advance and create was brought down. The old laws about heaven and hell in one world came into being, while in the other the idea of civil rights suddenly exploded into thousands of dungeons.

It is often important to note that nothing that already existed was altered in any way during this transformation - only creation of new things happened.

But what of the new things and beings in this world? The world that we live in? What will they do? Will they try and hide their powers? Or embrace them? This is where they go. This is their story.

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