Gundam Wing: Waltz of Galactic War Star Wars X-over - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Gundam Wing: Waltz of Galactic War Star Wars X-over

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Game Description

With high expectations, human beings leave Earth to begin a new life in Space Colonies. However, the United Earth Sphere Alliance gains great Military Powers and soon siezes control of one colony after another, in the name of Justice and Peace. The Year is After Colony 195, Operation Meteor, in a move to counter the Alliance's tyranny, rebel citizens of certain colonies scheme to bring new arsenals to the Earth, disguising themselves as shooting stars. However, the Alliance Headquarters catches on to this Operation...

Hiiro Yui (correct spelling of the name as opposed to Heero Yuy), trained as the Perfect Soldier since he was young, was the first to be found by OZ (Organization of the Zodiac) soldier Liuetenant Zechs Merquise, who had thought he could fight Hiiro on even ground in a Leo ground-type Mobile Suit, but Hiiro soon proves him wrong, as the Wing Gundam transforms from Bird Mode to Mobile Suit Mode. Tow of Zechs' men, in Aries Light-Speed type Mobile Suits, are both obliterated by Hiiro using his Buster Rifle. Soon, though, Hiiro is forced to eject from the Wing, and do whatever he can to destroy the evidence.

This story isn't about him, though...

Duo Maxwell, adopted son of Father Maxwell and Sister Helen, witnessed their deaths at the hands of a soldier of OZ, as he fights in a Leo at a young age, but he couldn't avenge the deaths of his foster parents. He becomes a soldier to end the tyranny caused by OZ and the UESA. Soon, though, he meets Hiiro Yui and form a sort of rivalry with each other. He does his best in the Gundam Deathscythe, a suit that was destroyed later on in the Operation, but revived as the Deathscythe Hell.

This story isn't about him, either...

Nor is it about Trowa Barton, real name Tristain Bloom, who uses a Circus as a cover for his base of operations. His Gundam, the Heavyarms, is the epitome of long-range tactics, but that's not what makes him special... he believes he doesn't have a name, but he goes by Trowa because of his duty as a faux Barton to participate in Operation Meteor. He fights in search of his identity, which he desperately needs for the upcoming war in his soul.

Nor is it about Quatre Raberba Winner, either, who was born to play music, but enlisted in Operation Meteor against his father's wishes, because he wanted to end the tyranny that was going on. When his Gundam, the Sandrock, a sword wielding Suit that has swords shaped like the ancient Eqyptian swords of his heritage (he's Middle Eastern), was destroyed in battle, he sought to rebuild it, but he wound up creating the originator of the Gundams... the Wing Zero. When he built it, he had no idea what sort of havoc it would cause, but he ended up able to destroy a colony... which he still regrets, because he couldn't control the system in use to give him said power (the ZERO System, also known as the Zoning & Emotional Range Omitted System).

And nor is the story about Wufei Chang, a young man of Chinese origin who was not originally going to be a Gundam Pilot for the Shenlong, later remade as the Altron, who was not one to get along with the other pilots as well as he could've. He was the lone-wolf, one who had a horrified past caused by his training and OZ, who took his wife away through death. A piece of him died that day, but he wouldn't admit it, not one bit. When he fought, he did what he could to end the war, through his methods alone.

No, this story is not about either of those pilots, and cetainly not Zechs Merquise, real name Milliardo Peacecraft, scion of the Peacecraft bloodline, who helped found OZ as a way to end war altogether.

This story is about the Mobile Pilots not mentioned in history, who had a profound effect on the war to come, the Revolution of the Galactic Republic...

In a Star System labeled Ord Mantell, aproximately 3 days before the Eve War, Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan, Senator of her home planet and leader of the Rebel Alliance, was going through contact after contact, trying to get the different factions of the planet to aid the Rebel Alliance. During that time, a citizen of the planet who will never be named, decided to grant the Princess turned in for a reward. Having been caught now by an Imperial Victory II-class Star Destroyer, the Tantive IV decided to head for Ilum, where they felt that they'd be safe... but, instead of heading to Ilum by 15 days , they wound up in the middle of the Eve War, with the Empire right behind them.

That is when the story starts. Which part of this new alliance are you from?

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