Escape and Assassination - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Escape and Assassination

Game Masters

Game Information

Game Description

All of you have lived under the oppressive tyranny of Fernik. A small country nestled in the shadow of a mountain and ruled by baron Lanix. A half-orc with a short memory and an even shorter temper. All of you had been arrested for some some reason whether reasonable or not made no difference as you hung in the dungeon. Each day you were tortured to make you confess but none would. Finally, one day the door opens and the goaler and a filthy half-orc with a grim visage walks in. You find that you have all been sentenced to the silver mines for the duration of your lives and the half-orc leads you away. Upon reaching the lowest level of the castle proper he herds all of you into a small side-room and closes the door. With that done he drops the illusion and appears before all of you as a young copper dragon. He tells you all that the mines that you were being sent to are his lair and he has become threatened. He asks that in return for freeing you that you kill the duke of the town you are residing in. He also tells you that to insure that his the encroachment shall stop that one of you will become the next duke. Unknown to most of the town the duke is sterile and has no children. Because of this a special law comes into effect. Lanix proclaimed that if any leader should be left without an heir then the slayer shall be proclaimed the new regent. After speaking the dragon indicates several chests around the room, one for each of the group. Inside is the gear that they had before along with an identical gift for each one. A perfectly carved emerald statue of a dragon. Once all of you gather your equipment you turn back to find the dragon gone and you are left alone to decide. Do you heed the dragon's request and take the chance at title and land or would you rather simply escape with your lives and follow other pursuits?What is this for?

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