Realm of the Dragon Crests - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Realm of the Dragon Crests

Game Masters

Game Information
  • Created Feb 8 '12
  • Last Post May 16 '12 at 2:53am
  • Status Aborted
  • System Iron Heroes

Game Description

The Goddess, Luna, created the world of Gaia from the nothingness and gave it life. She created the Dragon Gods to protect her world and watch over it. The dragon gods populated the world and for eons life continued on...

Then the Dark Emperor came. An immense, powerful being from beyond the stars... drawn to feed on the very magic the gods gave to Gaia. A devastating war broke out, as the forces of light and darkness struggled endlessly for control of the planet. The Dragon Gods created new champions, gifting each of them with a fragment of their own power. These mortals, known as the Crests, were much more powerful than the Dark Emperor could have anticipated. Though some were swayed to his side during the conflict, and the foulest monsters and demons stood among his legions, in the end of the Dark Emperor was defeated, and his evil banished forever.

The Crests, their mission complete, disbanded and went their separate ways. Many founded new cities and worked to bring the regions to prosperity. Inevitably their long lifespans made them too distant from the other races. The Crests disappeared from history's pages, blending into the background as the world moved on, forgetting the Dark Emperor and his terrible power.

This tale is sometimes told by bards and elders alike. It has been 500 years since that battle ended. The exact details are lost to the passage of time, and many see it as little more than a legend. If the Dragon Gods were really so powerful, then why have shunned mankind? The humans once believed strongly in these draconic lords, but the events of the Dark Emperor's invasion brought a heavy sense of fear and superstition to the world. Magic, once so important and well-used by the humans, has been shunned for fear of the evils it can bring. Those that practice magic are outcasts, and divine magic has all but vanished completely.

Perhaps the gods really have forsaken mankind. The Crests too have vanished, and in a time when their power is sorely needed. The world sits on the brink of disaster, bands of roaming monsters threaten cities of all races. The humans have abandoned their old alliances, leaving the elves, dwarves, and other races to fend for themselves. In this time of turmoil, heroes are desperately needed. But without magic everyday life is hard, even simple exploration requires heavy sacrifices when monsters attack. Few adventure beyond the sight of their towns, can heroes even exist in such a dangerous time?

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