A Summer of Flame - Myth-Weavers Lethe

A Summer of Flame

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The ravens flew far and wide across the Seven Realms. First wings of white, signalling the end of a long and hard winter. The second ravens bore the crest of the King himself, delivered to all the Great Lords, and from them it was passed to their bannermen and onto the common folk. The message read as such:

In Celebration of the New Summer, and in honour of the young prince Daeron; King Aegon, The Fifth of his name hereby invites you to a grand tournament held at the Castle of Summerhall, to be held in three turns of the moon.

Signed and sealed by Lord Raymun Fossoway, Hand of the King.

What Is This?A Summer of Flame is a Song of Ice and Fire RPG, set during the year 239AL, in the 5th year of the reign of King Aegon V - known as Aegon The Unlikely. As the game begins, King Aegon has called for a grand tourney to celebrate the coming of summer, and the name-day of his youngest son.

Using the "Game of Thrones" variant described in the revised rules, each player will build and control a single House that is sworn either to The Crownlands, The Stormlands, The Reach or The Riverlands, with their Player Characters owing fealty and allegiance to this House. At least one Player Character must be a blood relation to the House (although not necessarily the head of house). There is one exception to this; each player will be granted an extra player character irregardless of their House's influence score. This character will be a brother in the Night's Watch.

In any given chapter, One PC per player will be active. As I'm trying to acheive the kind of narrative feeling that the books have, plots for inactive PCs may still proceed, but they'll be behind the scenes and not played out (although summaries will be done upon 'completion' and discussions will be held before hand so players have a sayin their characters lives).

A Summer of Flame is intended to be a grand tale, in the same vein as Robert's Rebellion, The Lannisters vs the Starks, and the other great stories of Westeros. This is a story that will span all of Westeros, and maybe even farther. How your characters and Houses fit in this story, how they shape the world and events is up to you.

As the game begins, there are two events/plot-lines that each player needs to have a character involved in. They are:

1. The Tourney at Summerhall - This grand celebration and week long tourney has two purposes; to celebrate the changing of the seasons to summer, and the twelfth name-day of the young Prince Daeron Targaryen. The Tourney is expected to be the grandest one seen in at least a generation, and Knights from far and wide have made the trip to try to earn honour and glory for themselves and their Houses. Furthermore, there is a rumor that Duncan The Tall, Lord-Commander of the Kingsguard has an eye out for potential warriors to fill his ranks.

2. At The Wall - Even with the Celebrations in the south, and the release of Winter's Grip, the Night's Watch stands ever vigilant. Brynden Rivers, The Bloodraven, acts as the Lord-Commander and has put out the call for new recruits. While many in the Watch believe now is a time of rest, The Bloodraven seems to be preparing for war...

How To ApplyI am looking for players who want to be a part of a role-playing group. The nature of SifRP can easily lead to PvP and this isn't a style of play I'm interested in moderating. I also want proactive players who will have their own ends and goals. Some grand opportunities will be available to those who are both lucky and capable. The Kingsguard, the Small Council, and all other prizes await.

If you're interested, Please head to the Applications forum, Give a read through the CHARACTER CREATION OVERVIEW, and this post an application in the Forum!

A Note on Books, TV, and the Canon: I love this series, both book and television show. This game however is firmly rooted in the books, rather than the HBO series. That doesn't mean too much, but there will be certain aspects I'll want to hit on. As an example, the Kingsguard wear all white armor, not gold/bronze armor with white detail. Also, as important as canon is, it's essentially what happened before the game began. What happens after may follow the same path of history, or it may not.

I enjoy the canon, and will be trying to hew as closely to it as reasonable. The good news is that there's not a whole lot of canon about this time period, so we've got a lot of free reign. However once the game proper begins, all bets are off, and I won't mind changing events a whole lot if you've got an excellent scheme that can be pulled off.

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